Life cycles back around

Audra, That quote (that is now our little header thingy) is soooo true. On Sunday I would have never expected to be sitting here laughing today (which is just 3 days later). Thanks so much for being there for me, you’re really the greatest best friend I could have ever hoped to have. (How did we ever end up finding each other in the first place? Hmm…well I guess some people just get lucky:) ) Things for now are a little more balanced, and I have life back in perspective again (well as much perspective as Senior year can grant). I’m going to bed soon! I really don’t know why I’m so excited about this, but I’m planning on going to bed before 10 (which I know you could NEVER believe, cuz that really didn’t happen even over the summer). I probably won’t end up going to bed then cuz I always find something fun to do. I’ll probably end up calling you again (if you’re not still sleeping from being sick…feel better) and then stay up late. Button went away:(. I guess that’s my one sad thing for this entry. He’s now going to live with Ryan (remember Rhino boy from that animal game?). Well they already have a box turtle, so my parents think it will be better for button. It’s sad…he really was my favorite pet while we had him…and no one even got to meet him (I was going to show him to Diego the other day, but yeah…kinda forgot about that since I thought we’d be keeping the turtle). I guess even when things are going well there always has to be some sort of “bad” thing to keep things in balance. We’re going to San Francisco soon…that should be fun:). And then when we get back it’s hc week (wow…I another hc experience…they just don’t end now do they?) Is movie night on Wednesday or Thursday? I wonder what they’re showing since you’re actually making me go this year…haha. I’m betting you’ll make me go to the game too (wait till Stephen and Diego find out that they have to go too…haha…well at least we have cool cars at our hc game, jk). I’m not really sure what to wear to the dance. So many people are upset about it being “semiformal” that some people are thinking of going in jeans (I really doubt they do). It’s going to be kinda odd because there will still be some girls in long dresses with their dates wearing jackets (and I guess no ties though…haha). At least we have a decent theme though. Remind me to buy tickets…since I don’t hear announcements (btw…did you see me on the announcements? Wow…Sasha, Aaron, and I couldn’t keep from cracking up while Mr. T was talking to us…it was quite funny). I might go to your badminton game tomorrow :). Does that make you happy? Oh…are you going to be able to play since you didn’t go to practice today? Well we’ll discuss this tomorrow, cuz I’m not sure how much hw I’ll have (I already know that I have two tests for Friday…rrrrr…all my teachers had said no quarter tests…todos ellos son menirosos). If I go maybe you’ll look at the ADORABLE signs I made (since you still haven’t looked yet! (well you did that once…but that must have been a fluke). I think they’re cute, so you need to look at them more often. Well I’m going to go because I need to study a bit before going to bed (which I really should be doing now, but when have I ever gone to bed when I thought I would?) Well aren’t you glad you’re getting the hyper, happy me back? (I know you are, and I’m glad too:) ) Love you bunches!~ Sarah :D (P.S. I just felt like writing a P.S., but I didn’t think of anything to say yet…so I guess that’s all) (P.P.S. I did think of something: if you’re NOT Audra and you’re reading this…you should comment, cuz I know you are reading…and I’d like to laugh at what someone else writes for once, not just my own writing…jk)
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