
Audra, Sorry for having to go so quickly, but my mom was pissed off (and she really had not right to be, but oh well). We just now finished having a huge argument about her bugging me about being on the phone. Anytime lately that I’m not doing something that she wants me to get done (or that she thinks I have to be doing…like how I have soooo much homework that I should be doing it every second) or I ask to go over to someone’s house (usually for hw anyway), she freaks out about how I don’t have time for it, when I really do. Like you said, I should be dealing with my own time management as long as I can do whatever she wants me to get done. The consensus of our disagreement was that I can (supposedly) do whatever I want as long as I tell her when I’ll be home, I’m not late to school, and I do chores without her asking me to. I guess we’ll now have to see if this really happens as planned. (So I can supposedly do whatever I want…let’s see how that works out…visit friends all the time ;) , woo hoo, lol) Well tonight is the first night of Hanukkah…a more happy family note. Good childhood memories:). It’s traditional that we get socks on the first night, so yay! I have new socks, lol. We don’t usually put a big emphasis on Hanukkah gifts or anything because Christmas is more of a gift giving holiday, but it’s fun anyway. I’m barely getting A’s in Spanish and Chem…but I’m going to try and work a bit harder at them this next week, but don’t be surprised if you get a sad entry right after finals about a B…unfortunately this has a good possibility of happening. Oh well…I hopefully will get over it. I’ve actually been becoming friends with Dustin…scary. Never would have thought that would have happened as of last year. He’s still kinda annoying though. Hmmm...maybe not friends...more as a "Spanish buddy" (not like the other types of buddies though!...that would just be wrong, lol) Yay!!! Science Olympiad is going to be a blast this year! I can’t believe that I talked you and Kyle into being in it. The majority of my senior year friends from Saguaro are now in it, so that should be fun:). I think I’m going to do an event with you, two (the Chem. ones) with Kyle, probably one with Sasha, and maybe Aaaron and Ashley will make me help them out with a building event fourth hour. You know what would be awesome is if we went to Nationals again!?! Anyway…I probably sound like a huge dork, but Science Olympiad really is the cool thing to do now, lol. I’ve now missed pole-vault two days in a row (but I got to see you both days…so that was cool)…arrrrghh., I can’t miss Thursday now. We’ll have to finish our conversation later. Something about me that only my mother now knows (I told her a few weeks ago actually): I talk to myself…it’s not strange really, jk. All the conversations are in my head though…I must just have an overactive imagination. haha You know what…I don’t like that life feels like a constant lie. I’d like to/ be willing to tell people really whatever they wanted to know, but the problem is that most subjects just never come up with people, so they never actually know the truth (not that not telling someone what your childhood was like is necessarily always a bad thing or not truthful, but it just feels like a lie). You’re really the only person whom I feel knows pretty much everything, and even at that (now that I think about it) there’re things you don’t know too. I guess most of my colse friends know quite a bit, but there's always something that people dont' know. Well go ahead…ask me anything (this is an open invitation to anyone…btw, lol) I promise I’ll tell. Well I should go now and work on being a good student (haha). I have a test (pretty much a final) in Econ tomorrow, but it’s easy, so I’m not too worried. Overall I’m pretty happy, so that’s good. See you tomorrow! Love~ *Sarah* (P.S. I love my friends…you guys are all great) (P.P.S. Everyone has issues…it’s how you choose to deal with them):D
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ooh i was at my friend's house for the first night of hanukkah, it was pretty fun.

happy hanukkah!

and i love socks so go you!

love nish
haha i just got your party=sounds like a good time :)

and yes diego's voice shines straight through.

you are so not a failure. if you are a failure... im theres not even a word for how bad i am.

love nish
guess i'm just amazing?
aww thanks, so are you!

love nish