Flour explosion!

Audra!~ Definitely the only magazine I read now is People in Espanol…how funny is that? I know all about Myrka, Gloria Trevi and Melina Leon now…lol. I don’t really like magazines all that much though in general. I hope you had fun with Katie at Wes’s concert. It’s funny how you saw Lindsay and Zaq. I’m glad you finally got to hang out with Katie and Abby. Thanks for calling me from there:) that was sweet. I’ll see you later today hopefully. Do you need help on Wednesday (with math) b/c your final is Thursday? Let me know. Christmas is in 13 days (my lucky number…lol). Still need to go shopping for people. I kinda know what I might get, but then at the same time I’m not sure. aaahhhh…this is difficult…and I have to go shopping before next Saturday, so that adds even more pressure. Fun fun fun…haha. So last night I went over to Diego’s and we watched The Last Samurai. Long movie (with gruesome battles) but well staged. It was about a 2 1/2 hour movie with little plot…but overall I liked it. Good ending:) (he has to marry the Japanese lady! He just has to! lol…my choice of endings of course). Oh yeah, I actually fell asleep for like 10 minutes (you would never believe that would ever happen to me during a movie, lol). After the movie we played Othello (requires about the same skills as chess…another game not so good for tired people, jk). He badly beat me the first two times, but I won (barely) the third time! Yay! I like playing games when I don’t care all that much if I win, and also when its not intense competition…so that was fun. Then we played Boggle, and the total opposite happened. I dominated the first few games, but then he started to catch up, so that was good. We ended the last two with ties. Movies kinda make you groggy, so I wasn’t as animated as I normally am, but I had fun none the less. :) I have a TON to do today. All homework, but oh well. My Spanish final starts tomorrow, so that should be interesting. I am going to be soooo happy on Wednesday after finishing that final. I actually have more Spanish hours to do over break though…ahhh…why does she do this? Oh well. I feel bad that everyone else seems to be in constant friendship issues. I don’t seem to have really any of those anymore (knock on wood) and neither do you. My dad is so sweet…he make us all breakfast every Sunday morning. I think I’m going to die from eating too many blueberry muffins though, lol. (If I don’t show up at school tomorrow you know why…jk) My life seem to pretty much be just homework…it really sucks. a) I don’t like hw and b) I want to do other fun things. I wish that I could actually be living my weekend instead of doing hw ALL day and then doing something fun for a few hours. I guess break is coming up, so that should be good. Two weeks of a more normal life, and then back to HW…yay. Over break I hope to go to the mall a lot, go see Zoolights, game nights, random hanging out, and hopefully hanging out as a group again (I hope that doing this at least once isn’t pushing it…but that would be a BLAST)…I totally opt for swing dancing, but I’m not picky. And then there’s family time too, so that should be good and make my mom happy. I like when she’s happy. I’m totally having a cookie baking fest like on Thursday or Friday, so we’ll see how that goes:) (if you’d like to come over you can, but be warned: there will be flour everywhere! lol). Love you lots!~ *Sarah* (P.S. Diego: thanks for hanging out with me last night…and the night before lol…Fun:D ) (P.P.S It's funny how everyone always writes entries on Sundays...Sundays=most boring day of the week...we'll have to change that, lol) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Skiing = a DEFINATE must...:D
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tehe i always have a cookie baking fest...mainly because when im too cheap to get presents for people, i make dozens upon dozens of cookies and give them to EVERYONE! tis quite fun, but im not doing it this year. maybe ill make a batch or two bc some ppl told me they want some.

yeah there are friend issues everywhere right now, which sucks bc its so close to the holidays. :(

have fun eating blueberry muffins,

love nish
ooh yes i agree, baking is fun when u arent alone. lets bake together :)


love nish
i know! i was so surprised to see her! it was fun. we need to hang out guys. and the last samurai is a really good movie. i actually didn't like it until it was over (im not really sure why) but when it ended, i was like wow. that actually was really good.

see you sooooooooon hopefully.

i'd never hit you with a shoe, or slap you on the face. thats bc you are amazing :)

love nish