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Feeling: exuberant
Quick update of life: I got third in regionals this past week…so I’M GOING TO STATE! I’m happy :D. (my leg isn’t though…especially after dancing on it last night). I got home that night though at 12:30…it really sucked. Two AP tests down…two to go…I think Sam and I are going to study for Chemistry, but screw government. I’m going to be soooooooooooooooooooo freakin happy after Wednesday when AP tests are over. Friday night was awesome! Well I went to Audra’s after school to help set up for prom dinner, and then I went shopping with my dad for Mother’s Day (which just happens to be today btw). I then cleaned out my fishie bowl and went to the park where we were supposedly going to go ice blocking (which we didn’t do since we couldn’t find ice nearby). We did other fun stuff instead though. Played on the playground at Cholla park, Sam and I went on an ‘expedition’ to the tennis courts (seriously a ton of fun), played red rover, watched Diego run into small children (but these children deserved it, believe me), learned that I WON’T die if I meander across the street (thanks Sam!), went to ‘the hot tub’ (where Apryl and Erik showed up too!), and then Sam, Foley, Diego and I started watching some movie that I’m not even sure of the title…and then Diego and Sam fell asleep on me, so Patrick and I turned off the movie since we didn’t get it. I think that covers pretty much Friday. Yesterday was prom. I spent all day dealing with that. I picked up Diego, we took pictures, went to Audra’s house for dinner (took my pictures), went to my prom, went to his prom, went to some girl’s house to hang out with Parker, slept at Sam’s house, and got home at 1ish today. There you go…that was the overview. I had a BLAST though. Since dinner ran late we weren’t at my prom all that long, so my prom was more the picture-taking prom, and then the DMHS one was dancing! (I LOVE DANCING…even in a long dress). I slept for like 3 hours and woke up 3 different times in different places. It was random. Once I was face down on Sam’s wooden floor. This week is AP tests Tuesday and Wednesday, and then State on Thursday…oh and then it’s my 18th B-DAY on Friday! I am soooo excited. Thursday is Senior Breakfast, and then Friday is Senior Ditch Day, so I’m missing most of school on my b-day, how cool is that? It’s sad that the year’s almost over :(, but we’re not going to focus on that right now. I’m going to miss some people soooo much. I’m going to cry. A LOT. For now I’m spending a sleepless Sunday night probably doing hw since I’ve wasted most of my day sleeping/not sleeping at Sam’s and then being online until almost 5 (when I’m going to start doing stuff…right? haha). Well I’m glad to have seen all of you guys at prom! LOVE!~ Sarah :D (P.S. Um, we looked hot at prom...just so you all know, lol ;) ) (P.P.S. Who wants to tap that/this?!?! LOL)
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prom was so fun. im SO glad you came to OURS. ours is so much cooler than yours. jk.

love you sarah!
lol you know i want to tap...(you know the rest of it...i'll keep it between us)! anyway last night was great. i def didnt get to calling you back yesterday but that's ok, i just texted you.

love nish