
*Audra* Wow, we haven't written for quite some time. First we had our trip to San Francisco (FUN:) ) and then there was that really hectic hc week (with your b-day included). I'm getting kinda stressed out, so I hope that writing to you will unjumble my mind a bit. Everything in life right now seems to be up in the air. Nothing is definite, and there doesn't seem to be anything to fall back on. I guess if I wait long enough things will settle (at least I'm happy though). San Francisco...AMAZING. We had so much fun, I can't believe we were only there for 4 days with all the stuff that we did. I'm hoping to get all the pictures I took uploaded onto here so that you can see them. They're very cute! Everyone seemed to get a lot closer during the trip, which I liked (girl bonding...always fun). Our room was so cute! San Francisco is a funny town. Diego would freak out (ghetto...oh yeah). One street is full of nice houses, and the next...well I thought were might get raped. This was definitely one of the best trips we've been on together. A good senior year memory (senior year memories...both happy and sad at the same time). I can't believe we bought Stephen that sword in China Town (and the whole thing with that lady...go us!). Your mom taught us well...haha. Well now you've ridden in a plane twice more, and on the way home you freaked out less about the turbulence :), you're funny. I almost can't remember what we did...hmm. We went to China Town, Alcatraz, Fisherman's Wharf, Pier 39, Golden Gate State Park (all those gardens), the Exploratorium (good nap...haha), the bridge, that cable car accident, and SHOPPING! All of the food was so good too (except for that one night...with the stupid waitress). Last week was crazy. Everything worked out as planned (well as the plan before the trip), but wow. You're whole unsurprised party (at least your mother tried...and you know she loves you), and then the whole problem with your actual birthday that created. Oh btw, happy 18th b-day! I hope you ended up having a great day after all. Did you like the peas?...hahaha!!! (well the mouse does at least) I'm so glad you ended up going to Movie Night (another good senior year memory). It was freezing though! I think that everyone had fun with that, which is a good thing. Friday...the assembly and the game. I can't believe that Dustin and Vio didn't win as king and queen. They're so cute together. Oh well, Amy and Justin sure were happy. I liked how the assembly was all themed around SNL (Ely was so cute! I can't believe she actually did that whole skit!) The game was fun, cold, and long. I got to see Scott, Stephen, and Lauren (all of whom I don't usually get to hang out with)...and you got to FREAK out over the drummers (red alert...haha). It's cute that my mom gave us those corsages (because we're here favorite seniors), but everyone kept asking about them. Fun fun fun:) Well Saturday was hc. (That was the ENTIRE day). I got up and pretty much went straight to the mall. I looked EVERYWHERE that I thought would possibly sell a dress, and I couldn't find a single one that I liked! It really sucked, but at least I had a back-up dress. It's funny that as I was about to leave I happened to go into Arden B. cuz I saw a sweater I liked, and just happened to find my dress. I was so excited (seriously...when I ran into Ursula and Matt, I was kinda jumping, and I showed them the dress in the middle of the mall)! I saw Kristen too. It's sad that all these people I don't get to see more. I have all these friends whom I don't have classes with, so I just run into them sometimes. We need to have a big party or something...hmm...we'll figure that out later. I then had to find shoes, so I went to my favorite shoe store (Nine West...duh) and they just happened to have a pair of shoes that matched the color of the dress perfectly. I was happy, but I practically had no more time left by then to do much of anything with my day cuz you came over about ½ hour later. I think getting ready for hc was probably ½ the fun (blow drying your hair in the front room...and then the flower stem thingy...haha). I can't believe that both of your flowers matched your dress so perfectly! Well we got through all of the "mother's pictures" okay. It was cute that Diego was wearing a coat (it was cuter that I knew why too). You and Stephen looked really cute in all your pictures (except the "pregnant" ones...:) ) Dinner was REALLY good too (and it went well, except for the lettuce thingy, sorry). Wow, when Stephen's dad got the blow torch out...kinda afraid (but the creme brulee was awesome) all this, and we're not even to the dance yet! Well there were a lot of funny and cute moments at the dance (but we've already discussed those, and that might take way too long to type). I had a BLAST! That was probably the best hc experience for both of us at the same time. I think everyone had fun, so again, that's good. :D I hope you liked your b-day presents:). That is pretty much the only thing I did on Sunday. I wasn't allowed to talk on the phone or use the internet (my mom is getting smarter, sheesh...jk). Well I'm now kinda annoyed about Halloween. I guess we'll go trick-or-treating with your little sisters, and maybe we'll end up going to a party if it's not too late (why is Halloween on a Sunday?...who in the world planned that?...jk) Well I'll be seeing you on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday:) just can't get rid of me now can you? Haha. Oh, on Friday we don't have to stay at the Navajo carnival service thingy the whole time, so if there's something you want to go out and do we can. Also, we need to figure out what we're doing on Saturday. I was thinking that we could hang out with Stephen and Diego then, but they're both being kinda annoying when it comes to making plans about things, so we'll see about that. I'm really sick of trying to plan stuff, so I guess if it happens it happens, and if it doesn't you and I will go to a movie or something (there are some really cute ones out right now). I'm having breakfast with my grandpa and dad that morning (wow...I will be having a conversation with myself...jk:) ) I want to go shopping (btw). I probably have to see Trevor sometime this weekend too...maybe I can put it off till next weekend, or the one after that...jk (he's been bugging me since I didn't go to his concert, and I haven't hung out with him for 2 months). I actually saw him (for the first time in 2 months) today after math. It was kinda odd cuz he seems way more into me than I am into him. Oh, he grew his hair out longer, can you imagine that? (I don't really like it) I'm kinda annoyed that he thinks that he can just come back or something, but he doesn't realize that I've moved on and he's not the only guy out there. I also have to work on my Stanford application this weekend (it has to be postmarked Nov. 1) and I might be working on the stuff for Pauline, so that pretty much fills up the whole weekend. was so funny in Spanish today. There was the mouse that came running down the hallway (probably escaped from some teacher's room who has a snake). Well some kid came in holding the mouse by its tail and asked Senora if it was hers. She said it wasn't, but she would take it, so she was running around frantically making a little carrier thingy for the mouse so she could take it home for "dinner" tonight (for her snake of course). It was extremely funny. She's been acting oddly lately, cuz yesterday she was telling us how she used to go skinny dipping (ewwy...I have a visual mind). Other funny things that happened today: Sasha was trying to jump Edric's car battery, but she didn't know how to pop the hood of her car (it was a "wow you're ditzy" moment...haha)...the thing with Scott was also quite funny. I'm looking forwards to Friday cuz Ashley, Aaron, Kyle, Chelsea, Matt, and I are all going out to lunch during 4th hour. Everyone is either a ta or doesn't have class, so it shouldn't be a problem. I think we're going to YC's, so if you want anything from there let me know. I'm going to try to be back before lunch so I can hang out with you. Well this is freaking HUGE ( I'm going to go for now. I'll probably be talking to you in a few Love you lots!~ Sarah :D (P.S. I realized the other day when I was walking around the mall all by myself that I actually like my life, and I'm really glad that we've both been happy so far this year) (P.P.S. Now we get to make 2 know what I'm referring to) (P.P.P.S. Don't worry, I won't tell :) )
Read 7 comments
hi! im sorry i've been annoying about planning things i guess? its just that so much has been going on in my life, especially regarding that one guy whose name starts w S and ends with tephen.... i want him to be happy being my best friend... and i dont know how to sometimes and i think i get too caught up with the whole best friend part and actually forgetting to just be fun and stuff
it rained today
thank you for the shot glass
im kinda happy my mom didn't freak when she saw it... which is always a plus... and for the candle thingy thing... which my mom put on my desk after she organised my room for like the 100th time this year.... HC was "great" (i quote s-tephen) lol... i like this song "completely miserable" by lit.... haha sooo amazing... anyhow... sry we have to hang out this week... even if S-tephen and Audra cant....
we'll plan later
love ya

cool picture, you all look very nice!

Hi Nisha:)
take that picture out NOW
just as an fyi... dont post pictures of me online unless i completely agree with it... this is sooo mean.
how is that mean? only Audra, Stephen, Nisha, you, and I can see the picture anyway. fine...have it your way
