The past week

Audra~ Wow, the months are flying by so fast! Well neither of us has written any entries for about a week so as not to accidentally give away any “surprises”. So the past week… I was sick for the first part of last week, I got better, and now I’m kinda sick again:(. It’s sad because I usually NEVER get sick. I’m pretty much okay though, so that’s good. I missed econ. twice because of it, pole-vault twice, and I missed math once (well I didn’t miss math cuz I was sick, but that was the supposed reason). Being sick kinda throws off the normal order of everyday life. So about missing math…on Wednesday I went over to Diego’s to speak in Spanish (which didn’t happen AGAIN…but oh well). I went home for dinner, and then instead of going to math I went back over to go to Improve night at his school. It was quite funny because the people were so bad at some of the skits. Gordy (you know the gay kid that Jamie and Kara talk about all the time?) is a good actor, so watching him was truly comical. I actually got to jump last week at pole-vault! So far we’ve mostly been doing drills, so I was so excited to actually be vaulting. It’s been so long since I actually have since I was hurt the whole end of the season last year and part of the summer. I also made some new friends there too, so that was cool. Stephen and I planned Diego’s surprise party most of last week. I went over to his house on Thursday (supposedly “briefly”) to finish dealing with what we were doing. His mom, him, and I all sat there and really came up with not much more than we’d decided on before, but it was fun anyway. Honey gave me a huge welt on my leg, but it’s all better now. It turned out to be not such a short visit since we ended up calling people too. After I left Stephen’s I then went to my grandpa’s (another visit that took longer than expected). I’m glad I got to see him though because I’ve felt bad that I haven’t made time to visit (I also feel bad that he’s all alone). He was showing me all of his paintings that he’s been working on lately. He’s cute. I also got to see him again today, so that made me happy. (I’m going to see him Thursday too actually) Friday we went to the drive-ins…but you already know all about that. It was interesting, but it turned out to be fun:). I definitely like the drive-ins better than the regular movie theater. Saturday I went to Coffee House with my mom. Out seats just happened to be at the table with Aaron’s parents. Wow, it was so good! I think my favorite act would have to have been Aaron’s “Tiny Salmon” song/skit thingy (the Tom Green one). It’s too bad that you went on the one day he didn’t do it:(. Wes, Ben (omg…he’s hot playing the piano…haha), Lauren, and Stephen T. were all really good too. I think that the MCs this year were the best ever! I like that they did skit thingys (kinda sorta). Curtis is an amazing comedian…I would have never thought he would be that good when we were back in middle school. I liked that there was some comedy in there, cuz besides Aaron’s song most of the acts were pretty serious (good, but serious). Mrs. Tutnick’s son was adorable! I don’t know if you got to see him, but he’s in 1st grade and he sang this song about a rocket ship. She had him dressed in this little space suit thingy, and he was so cute. Later on Saturday (pretty much right when I got home…haha) I went over to Stephen’s house where we got ready for Diego’s surprise party. I’m glad he was actually surprised (almost a miracle). Probably the funniest moment was when Parker couldn’t be in the front room by himself because he was afraid of something jumping out at him in the dark. I pretty much just had to sit there so he’d feel safe (and what was I supposed to do if something were to jump out? lol). The whole thing was pretty fun, but it seemed to go by pretty fast. I guess that might be because we played charades for so long (it was quite funny though). Everyone (well for the most part) was so nice. I think Stephen was about to kill us later on, and I think it was cute that Nisha left us a message about the park. Sunday was interesting. I went over to your house (for longer than planned…including our whole car conversation…thanks btw), and then I went over to work for Pauline. I was pulling out to go over to Diego’s right as Stephen was getting home. I went over to drop off a birthday card (btw…happy b-day Diego!) but again stayed longer than expected (well not longer than expected, but longer than I told my mom and Pauline…oh well). It was kinda funny because when I went back over to Stephen’s, we were both there for like 15 minutes before he went left to hang out with Diego (kinda switching places…haha). Today I came home and read from after school till dinner. That made me extremely happy because I LOVE rainy days, and I also have these good childhood memories of reading while it’s raining, so I was happy. Besides being sick (and also FREAKING out because I lost my keys while in a dark parking lot) I have had a pretty good day :D. Oh yeah, my mom happened to pull up next to me at McDonald and Hayden when I was heading home, and was waving at me (it was hilarious). BTW…I’m quite proud of you about the thing with Wes yesterday. I guess there’s quite a lot coming up. We’re going to the Yellowcard concert on Wednesday, my relatives are coming into town on Thursday, I’m having Thanksgiving dinners two days in a row, and tons of applications are due next week (aaahhhhh!). Well that’s about it for my update of the past week. I probably left a lot out, but then again I’ve probably also talked with you about a lot too:). See you tomorrow!~ Sarah :D (P.S. Our yearbook ad looks really cute:) I’ll show you how it turned out tomorrow)
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hey the party was great...thanks for planning it! and good you got the message lol. well both the boys' cells were off and i was like ummm sarah is cool ill call her!

anytime i go anywhere i find it takes longer than planned. its just one of those things....

anyway thanks again!

love nish