...my heart was wrapped up in clovers, the night I looked at

Listening to: etta.james-at.last
Feeling: bizarre
Just a little of what I want...it reminds me that there is life beyond this shithole of PA....there is intelligence beyond the peabrains here who don't understand anything...
Jumps around a little: I want to go to college in NY. I want to get into medical school in NY too. I want to have an apartment when I’m in medical school. I want to meet someone in med school. I want to be engaged for a few years before I get married. I want to be a pediatrician and practice a few years in the city before I get married. I want to live like Carrie from Sex and the City, minus all of the sex. I want my wedding to be at Saint Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City, New York. I want my groom to be a NY doctor like me, and I want him to be able to dance. [I want someone who can cook for me and clean and wait on me if I ever needed it. I want someone who will be by my side no matter what and who will love me just as much the last day we’re together as the first. I don’t want someone who will yell at me for doing something stupid or inconsiderate because everyone makes mistakes. I want someone who can agree with me and disagree, but not to the point where he always has to be right. I want someone I can make compromises with, and I know it will be ok. I want someone who will clean up after himself and take care of himself and not spend more time in the bathroom than me, but still care about his appearance. I want someone who I can share my hobbies with, and someone that will accept what I like to do, even if he doesn’t. I want someone who will appreciate me for the wonderful person I am, and the wonderful person I want to be. I want someone who will love my family and who I will love theirs. I want someone who will accept the fact that my family is my holiday life. I want someone who I can trust no matter what and I know won’t be behind my back doing anything I wouldn’t like. I want someone who will know how much I love him, no matter what. I want a best friend. I don’t want to be afraid of him. I want someone who can tell me the truth. I want someone who doesn’t wear sandals or have a lot of hair. I want someone who is intelligent and can hold a meaningful conversation with me. I want someone who is sensitive to my feelings and can be romantic, but can still watch the game with guys and have a good time. I want someone who doesn’t drink. I want someone who doesn’t look at other women, especially when I’m near him…but not one that just won’t do it because I’m there, one that won’t do it because they are so in love with me, they have no desire for anyone else. I want someone to take care of me. I want someone who can tell me he loves me wherever we are. I want someone who doesn’t care what other people think. I want to have a relationship where there are no secrets. I want someone who needs me just as much as I need them. Most of all, I want someone who will love me for who I am and love me unconditionally because I have not yet met one person who has done that, and I think that if someone can put up with me, then they deserve my love.] I want it to be a traditional wedding, with a traditional dress (white, designer) and I want to be able to move in it. I want a dress that I can either adjust or change out of for the reception. I don’t want a completely sappy song (like Pachabel‘s Canon) when I’m marching in…if people are going to cry, they’re going to do it whether Pachabel’s Canon or the chicken dance is playing. I want to traditional “here comes the bride” song. Wedding very traditional…dad walk me down the aisle. I want to write our own vows. I want the Mass to be beautiful. But not too many flowers, because first of all everyone will sneeze, and plus they all die anyway and it’s a waste of money. I want to come out to our white stretch limo with NO RICE, it gets stuck in people’s hair. I’m not sure about what I want thrown at us. But I want a white stretch limousine with just me and my new husband. Or maybe a horse and carriage, it depends on the season. No corny tin cans or signs that say “just married.” I want to reception to be at the Ritz or the Plaza. I want to arrive at the reception with everyone there. I haven’t decided what song to have us coming into yet. I want a live band, and a DJ for when the band gets tired. I want a blue themed wedding if it’s in the winter with small ice sculptures as centerpieces. I want individual name cards made of something creative, and most likely edible. Once again, not too many flowers because of the money. If it were up to me, we’d have Chinet plates and Dixie cups, but it might clash with the rest of my fancy wedding. Gorgeous plates and glasses. I want a huge dance floor so everyone can dance, including me. There will be ONE, count it, ONE playing of the electric slide for me to do with my mother, and that is it with the corny dance songs. I want a nice photographer and video person and I want our pictures to come quickly and nicely. Not too much time should be taken away from eating and dancing to take pictures. The cake…oh the cake. It will be the most gorgeous cake ever…although people just eat it and no one really looks at it, plus it costs a lot of money. Throughout the whole wedding planning, I want pictures of everything and photo albums of everything, including all of the cakes. I want a lot of pictures from the wedding, mostly of people having a good time. I want thousands of pictures, and not of the same things. I want a lot of fast beat songs, but ones that I approve and like. I want a wedding shower. After my wedding, I want to leave immediately for our honeymoon, preferably in another country, such as Italy or England. Somewhere amazing, also with a lot of pictures. I want us to take the same pose for a picture everywhere we go, so that our albums will be uniform. I want to be married for a year or two and travel and enjoy each other’s company, and then have children. I want to live in the city when I am married, but move to upper state NY when I have children. I want a nice house, with a maid. Children, preferably twin boy and girl (get them in one shot), Madison and Aiden or Logan. Catholic school. Rich kids, but not spoiled rich kids, I refuse. I want to have my own personal pediatric office in our town, or close to it. I want to go on a lot of vacations to let them see the world, but refuse to spoil them. When they go off to college, I want to move back into the city and continue my job. Then we will continue to travel, like we did before we had children, until we have to go through the process with my daughter. I want to retire rich and happy.
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wow longg entry. :)
i like the new layout.
if indeed new.
