Boys are gross throw rocks at them.

Yea, boys are gross! I just think they should learn manners and respect. They need to grow up. I want one that has grown up and is smart. One that really does know respect or at least acts like it. I am so tired of obnoxtious boys that joke around and treat you like one of the guys. There needs to be a change in the system. But I cant do it because I doubt they will ever change. I am so sick of it. I feel so crappy right now, I just found out a guy i liked has a gf It bugs me a ton. But I do not want to talk about it so who ever reads this dont ask me about, well dont ask me about in school you can leave comments. I want to find a guy that follows the qualities above but also likes me back, I found it but it was missing one minor detail, the liking me part... But lifes tough. love is a spirit, you never know its there until it speaks. Got to go class now talk to you all later. Cheers..
Read 4 comments
ur right... boys are immature and need to grow up, im sick of them too and no.... they NEVER change. they never grow out of it... its not a phase its their whole being. gah... lets throw rocks now lol
nope thats from the Carmen, the opera
hehe its a great song!! hehe anyway laterss
Yup..Some boys are meanies..not every single one though..
I'm not gross :)

So, I noticed you screen name.

What is there to be shy about?

Or is that just... some.. I don't know. lol I'm babbling.

Terribly sorry.
