wow kewl quiz

Listening to: no I in team
Feeling: spectacular
wow i have been in a really good mood latly i dunno y its wierd but o well read this everyone else did it so i did to!!! F e e l i n g s [x] Worst Feeling in the world: feeling like u r completly and uterly alone no one should ever feel like that [x] Best feeling in the world: love [x] Can you define love?: no u cant it is somthing that u just feel and somhow u no when its with u [x] Do you get along with your parents?: not so much wit my dad but my mom is awsome [x] Are you ticklish?:kinda not as much as i used to b F a v o r i t e s 1] Letter?: how am i supposed to kno..u cant really spell much with one letter besides I and possibly U so ya i mean i am gonna need more than just one favorite about we pick one favorite word..hmm friends~nicole~ yea what she said 2] Number?: 11 my water polo number and when i was lil it was the number between matts and ryan hockey numbers. 3] Drink?: biccardi raz or pinapple orange juice 4] Color?: deffinitally green color of frogs 5] Animal?: refer above... frogs 6] Person?: my friends and of course regan 7] CD?: tell all your friends or no shoes no shirt no problem 8] Car?: yellow convertable mustang 9] Ice cream flavor?: mint choclate chip 10] Day of the week?: frisat the night between saturday and friday 11] Soda/Juice?: soda unless its pinapple orange juice 12] Boys/Girls?: BOYS!! 13] Love/Hate?: love 14] Sex/Cuddling?: cuddling unless oyur really horny LOL 15] Pepsi/Coke?: Diet COKE regular pepsi 16] Friday/Saturday?: frisat agian 17] Shoes/Sandals?: sandals i hate shoes b/c they make your feet hot or taht might not b why but i dun like 18] Hugs/Kisses: kisses 19] Punk/Goth?: punk its soo kewl b/c they are so deep and they arent just a type of musci or a style but these really deep kewl people. 20] Cartoons/News?: neither but i guess cartoons 21] Would you get into a fight for your friends?: yea 23] Ever gotten into a fight with your friends?: yeah 24] What did you fight about?: thigns that seem dumb now but they were obvously important then. 25] Worst thing you’ve ever done to them?: slapped them across the face bitch slapped them 26] Worst thing they’ve ever done to you?: i guess tryed to make me think it was my fault and feel really bad 27] Do you love your friends?: yea 28] Do they love you?: i think so but i woudlnt get my hopes up excpecially since kelsey told me about the stupid i love u!! LOL 29] Done anything you regret doing with them?: no b/c what we went through only made r relationship stronger 30] Do you fight a lot?: kinda 31] Have you ever been in love?: no 33] Do you still love them?: yea 34] Are you together right now?: no 35] Do you miss them?: not taht attached 36] Do you regret them?: somtimes some of them 37] If you could hold them right now would you: yup 38] If you could kiss them right now would you: girl r guy here 39] If you could start all over would you?: no b/c we started like that for a reason and it woudlnt b the same if we started over and most of them i had a good start wit ecpet those select few and she knows who she is!! I love ya 40] If you had a choice of meeting them for the first time, would you turn away or introduce yourself?: introduce myself 41] Most romantic thing: being wit someone who makes u feel good and u r comfortable wit b/c comfort and attraction r the basis for romance 42] Have you ever had the tingly feeling inside your tummy from someone?: yup 43] Do you like any of your good friends?: i guess we r friends dont no how good thoguh 44] If so do they know?: i think 45] Who is usually the first to tell someone they like them you or the other person?: me 46] If you could be with someone right now who would it be?: its been awhile but jordan 47] Do you base your attraction upon personality?: yup 48] Have you ever been cheated on?: well we never broke up 49] Have you ever cheated?: kinda B o y s + G i r l s 50] Favorite thing about the opposite sex?: they arent drama queens and they dont make things into bigger deals then they r 51] Least favorite thing about the opposite sex?: cockiness 52] When you first see someone what is the first thing you notice?: their smiles and the way they present themselves 53] What is your favorite feature about the opposite sex’s appearance?: their eyes and in jordans case his smile 54] Do you prefer cute or hot?: cute guys generally arent full of themselves but hot guys will give u some if tahts the case 55] Do you have a Bf/Gf?: no 56] One thing you dislike about them?: refer above 57] One thing you love about them?: refer above 58] Boys are: toys awsome 59] Girls are: drama queens over reactors L a s t.. 60] Fight you were in?: my dad 61] Person you yelled at?: my dad 62] Thing you touched?: backspace key 63] Person you IM-ed?: shelley 64] Person that IM-ed you?: shellie 65] Word you said?:yea 66] Time you smiled?: when i was tlakin to kaitlin 67] Person that smiled at you?: danielle 68] Laughed?: when i was talkin to kaitlin 69] Cried?: at my swim meet B a s i c s [x] Full name: kourtney nicole dempsey [x] Nicknames: kokie, RaRa, wendey, double W, queen latifa, jack, lourtney bortney LOL and if u dont no me kourt hate that [x] Screen name: Froggyfrog722 [x] Sex: female [x] Birthday: June, 13, 89 [x] Height: 5’5 taller then regan [x] Hair color:light brown [x] Is your hair long or short: short now [x] Eye color: blue green [x] City born in: St. Louis [x] Location now: same [x] Siblings: ryan 11 [x] Parents married/divorced: married --> C r u s h i n ' [x] Pre-school: johnny [x] Kindergarten: matt [x] 1st Grade: matt [x] 2nd Grade: matt [x] 3rd Grade: matt, chris, trent, [x] 4th Grade: matt, trent, charlie, joey [x] 5th Grade: richie hahaha [x] 6th Grade: scott [x] 7th Grade: brandon K, scott, jake, other people that i dont remember [x] 8th Grade: ryan, phil, jeff, evan, brandon W, david [x] 9th Grade: "zack right" mike, brandon i guess, barry [x] Boy/Girlfriend status: none --> O t h e r [x] Do you have a job: no [x] What are you scared of: snakes [x] Who's your role model: been a while but mandy is this awsome person i still lover her to death [x] Most interesting thing you've done this summer: spent the whole summer wit two peeps and broke kelseys ankel yeeeeehaaaaaaa [x] What store do you shop at the most: weathervane [x] Have you ever done any drugs: does alcohol count? [x] Do you collect anything: frogs [x] Are you a ditz:i dont think so --> N i g h t T i m e [x] What do you wear to bed: boycott undies or boxers and a t [x] What's your bed time: whenever i feel like i did enough of my homework [x] Do you wish on stars: no [x] Is there a TV in your room: no [x] What's the last thing you do before you fall asleep: think about everything --> M i s c e l l a n e o u s [x] How many schools have you been to: 6(faith, Queen of all saints, Point, kellison,RSMS, RSHS) [x] Are you passive or aggressive: deffinitaly aggressive [x] Vanilla or chocolate: chocolate [x] Would you rather be hot or cold: u should no this think colorado [x] What is your curfew: usually 12:30 or 1 but if my parents r lay-z and i dont have a ride then 12:00 0r 12:30 wow that only took the an hour for teh econd time!!!!!!!!
Read 10 comments
w0ot RaRa!!!!



i dont have the patience or time to do that bigass survey, but i liked reading it! w0otw0ot!

i love you!

haha the stupid i love you

you know that i for real love you rara

byebyeeeeee LYL
i miss u!!! ill tty when i get back from the cruise and ill take lots of pics of the hot guys..that way i can make up amazing stories of how i had luv u bunches!!~coleyy
kourtney! please come back soon! i really really really need u to talk to. i miss u a ton and i hope ur having fun.lyl-nicole
im not sure how often you get on here, but there is a party at my house on friday

you should come
actually, nevermind, there is no party.
its alright. i understand. if you dont want to be close than tellme. dont just ditch me and talk to me when nobody else is around. believe it or not. it hurts. i can't wait til you have to deal with it too. bye
lol you havent written a new thing in forever!!!!!
hey, do you ski?? skiing is badass. i , obviously, ski. freestyle that is. yeaaa ok im out -mike
