i stole all of these from sarah!

1.gone to a party? yes 2.laughed until your stomach hurt? yes 3.laughed until you almost peed your pants? deffinitaly ever fucking day of band camp 4.gone on a vacation? yeah the lake. 5.tanned? yes 6.went to a camp? band camp might count. 7.swam? yes 8.went to the movies? yes 9.gone shopping? yes 10.Had a job? yes 11.gotten freakishly bored? yes 12.have you gotten sun burned yet? no 13.Been to another state? yes 14.been to the the hospital with an injury? no 15.commited a crime/broken the law? drove wihtout my lights on. 16.gone on a road trip? no 17.had a g/f or b/f? no 18.dumped a g/f or b/f? no 19.kissed someone? no 20.been to a concert? yep 21.Been in trouble with the cops/parents? yes both. what can i say im a bad kid. 22.had a memorable moment? lots of them 23.had a horrible moment? oh yes 24.made new friends? yeah!! i love kristen and tina~~ 25.missed a friend? YES! everyone while i was grounded! 26.Slept under the stars? nope 27.thought about school? yep 28.been to the beach? only at the lake and that doenst count. 29.thought about a special someone? every fucking minute of every fucking day. fuck him! -- UNIQUE -- 1. Nervous Habits: biting my nails or skin around my nails, playing with my phone, 2. are you double jointed: no 3. Can you roll your tongue: no 4. Can you raise one eyebrow: yes 5. Can you blow spit bubbles: i guess if i tried 6. Can you cross your eyes: no 7. Tattoos: not yet 8. Piercings: just ears right now -- CLOTHES -- 9. Which shoe goes on first: my right. 10. Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at anyone:YES! freaking Jean. haha that was funny! 11. On the average, how much money do you carry: 0-40 12. What jewelry do you wear: earrings and braclets sometimes a necklace 13. Favorite piece of clothing: sweatheart hoodie. nad my basketball chorts. -- FOOD -- 14. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it: twirl 15. Have you ever eaten Spam: no 16. Favorite Ice Cream flavor: mint chocolate chip. 17. How many cereals in your cabinet: 3 or 4 18. What's your favorite beverage: Kool-aid at the moment. 20. What's your favorite restaurant: Frankie G's 21. Do you cook: yes. sometimes. -- GROOMING -- 22. Hair drying method: hair dryer when i must. but usualy air dry. 23. Have you ever colored / highlighted your hair:no but im gunna! but courtney got grounded. -- MANNERS -- 24. Do you swear?: yes 25. Do you ever spit?: yes -- FAVORITE -- 26. Animal: Ferret. forg 27. Food: Hot wings and peas. 28. Month: dec/jan 29. Day: frisat. the night between. 30. Cartoon: Nightmare b4 christmass. 33. Subject in school: ASR. 34. Color: green 35. TV show: Dawsons creek, The o.c its like salt. and dawosn crek is the entree. Every good entree needs salt. then Laguna beach, and One Tree Hill. 36. Thing to do in the spring?: go to colorado.. 37. Thing to do in the summer?: hang out with friends. 38. Thing to do in the fall?: go to football games and hang out with band.. o yea and justin! 39. Thing to do in the winter?: Think about going to colorado. GO to hidden valley. -- IN AND AROUND -- 40. In the CD player: Hidden in plain view. 41. Person you talk most on the phone with:karen. 42. Window or aisle: window 43. Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows and mirrors: never. 44. What color is your bedroom: some greenish color. i dont really like it..i dont really rememmber actuall. -- LA LA LAND -- 45. What's your sleeping position: stomach. 46: Do you use a blanket: yeah 47. Do you snore: no 48. Do you sleepwalk: no 49. Do you talk in your sleep: no 50. Do you sleep with stuffed animals: accasonaly. 51. How about with the lights: no 52. Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on?: Radio. 53. Last interesting person you met: This guy at rockwood reiview. he was interesting all right. i think his name was like micheal or someting like that. YES or NO: x. YOU KEEP A DIARY: online diary x. YOU LIKE TO COOK: YEs x.YOU HAVE A SECRET YOU HAVE NOT SHARED WITH ANYONE: unfortunitaly. x.YOU BELIEVE IN LOVE: nope. --DO YOU...?-- HAVE A CRUSH: yes. :( WANT TO GET MARRIED: not perticularly. GET MOTION SICKNESS: no THINK YOURE A HEALTH FREAK: no GET ALONG WITH YOUR PARENTS: not lately. LIKE THUNDERSTORMS: love. --CURRENT-- HAIR COLOR: brown EYE COLOR: blue ish green. BIRTHPLACE: fenton, missouri. PREFERENCES: CHOCOLATE MILK, OR HOT CHOCOLATE: chocolate milke MILK, DARK OR WHITE CHOCOLATE: milk. VANILLA OR CHOCOLATE: chocolate --IN THE LAST 24 HRS, HAVE YOU...-- CRIED?: yes HELPED SOMEONE?: i helped in habitate for humanity. BOUGHT SOMETHING?: yes GOTTEN SICK?: no GONE TO THE MOVIES?: yes GONE OUT FOR DINNER?: no SAID "I LOVE YOU"?: never. WRITTEN A REAL LETTER: no TALKED TO AN EX?: no. thought about it but then i would have had to come back from away last night. MISSED AN EX?: all the time kinda. i cant really explain what i feel. WRITTEN IN A JOURNAL?: sitd HAD A SERIOUS TALK?: kinda. me and karen broke up the seriuosness. but it was serious when megan talked. MISSED SOMEONE?: yes HUGGED SOMEONE?: yes FOUGHT WITH YOUR PARENTS?: yes that was fun!
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