Save darfur

I am completly engrossed in this idea..and i love it a lot. i hope amnesty goes well tomorrow. and i have even more ideas..i just need to find the right people to talk to. i think this is going to be good for me. I need something like this right now, everything is moving so fast, but im not actually doing anything. I need to take on something, and just feel good about what i am doing. Dawson used to make me feel like i had a purpose, he always told me how happy i made him, how i was helping him, Karen always used to tell how she enver new what she would do with out me. Now they are both gone, sort of. and i need something new, something for me, to give myself purpose. I no everything is gunna be ok. Lunch with steph showed me that today. You no we may be far away, but if we close how much would we realy see each other anyway? you no? I think everything is gunna be ok. You cant let things stand in your way. Or let the past consume your, or be afraid. Everyhing is just about right now. And right now, i need to get my mind off of boys, and onto something new. College is old news. I know im going, i know everything will be spectacular. Now, i need something else. im happy. im crying. love.
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hey kourtney! i think this will be good for you too. the meeting went really well today, we had a pretty good turnout...more than i expected. amnesty has a campaign called the National Week of Student Action, which this year is focused on Darfur, so our group decided to focus on it too. i brought up the concert idea, and people like it a lot. we're going to make t-shirts and other stuff too...i'll have to tell you all about it :]