yeah and stuff

Feeling: audacious
ok. so, yeah. i met this chick on sunday who seems pretty cool and i told her i would be at church tomorrow night so we could hang out or whatever while we were there. but i'm not gunna be, i'm gunno go to the rodeo carnivale. i guess i'm a piece of shit, but i've never been. sides, there are chicks there. anyhoo, then thursday i go to brenham for another tournament.i hope we win more than we lose this time, that shit gets old. anyhoo, i'm kind of excited about tomorrow, i'm gunna dress kinda kicker, but hey, it's cool, i'm from texas, i can pull it off. well, i guess that's all i got. late. peace love and marijuana sauce...
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damn, i wanted to practice thursday, because we need to, and we havent since the battle of the band you never made it to, so ya, we need to make a practice day again, and not let stuff suddenly happen before shows, just say no
My name is Kelso and I AM A PIECE OF SHIT!!! No really...I am!
you should wear a cowboy hat, and smoke marlboros for the day. krispy