all falls down

Feeling: bummed
well, yeah. so uhh, i'm inda bummed past week or so. just kind of a dark cloud overhead. no real explanation. anyhoo, so that's kinda shitty. i went and hung out with kurt and jacob today, went fishing down on clear creek near kurt's house. jacob left around 4:30ish so me and kurt chilled out just the two of us for awhile. it was kind of nice, i havn't seen him a long time and certainly not 1 on 1. i've know the guy 11 of my 18 years. funny how something like growing up together can bond people. just cuz they shared experiances as kids. and even if you havn't seen your best friend in a long ass time you still find common ground. life is cool like that. so you know, bright spot. gotta look for the bright spots. peace love and marijuana sauce...
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dude.. its LION KING! cmon now. sheesh! get with the times man... haha but yeah when that happens I like to call them brain farts. *poofandshesgone*
THC? what is that? Is it contagious? Can I lick your elbow?