
these past few days have been rather different for me. way different. all i know is that i haven't been to sleep in two days, and i'm almost ready to pass out. last night/this early morning i made a new friend. his name is andy. he's from kentucky. and was visiting with relatives. he's eighteen, and has decided to finish off school, and then probably move up here. i am very glad i met him. though he's gone, and spending the night with him talking, wrestling, and playing video games was fun, i actually did end up crying a tad bit when he left. darcy left also. but for some reaon, that made me happy. darcy is twentynine. and confesses his love to me every day. he terrifies me. and makes me beyond uncomfortable. but tonight i didn't have to worry about him when jason and casey fell asleep. because andy was there. which lead darcy to be pissed, which is fucking creepy, which lead him to leave all night and get stoned. it's a long story. but i've been smoking way too much marijuana for my own good these past few days. and i haven't slept once. i think i'm going to. right now. to get everything off of my mind for now.
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i really like that picture over there ----> haha, just thought i'd let you know that you're diary is awesome.

p.s. hooray for meeting new nice boys!