So the Alcohol Burns Warm With Every Sip

So...its been a while. Kayla and Michelle are both back home x3! He's canceled on me twice. Michelle's party is Saturday! I cannot wait. ...Please operator.... Collect Call... To Allentown... Dan and I had a "mock argument" the other night. "Go play with your brother we all know you do!" Good times.. So work tonight.... Yeah. Work work work..... X3 I know that you're a sucker for anything acoustic.... I should go.
Read 15 comments
i live n kansas. and it sucks ass lemme tell ya. lol
i love you name.. its so complicated but beautiful.. thanks for the comment also..
omg.. heyy you live near allentown pa?? or somewhere else? cause i live near honesdale.. spiffy
no kiding. i use to play on honesdales field hockey team.. we would play montrose and kick their ass every time.. quite fun.. but yea.. i live in the middle of no where also.. i know how you feel.. i cant even get cable tv. let alone high speed or anything. bleh.. pa sucks.
haha yea.. on either side of my other school.. (i had to switch to honesdale high school cause damascus only goes k-8) but damascus had a cemetary on either side.. and a church also.. and a dentish office in front... kinda gay.. and theres a death hill on the way to get to the high school. its huge.. like riding a bike down it would kill you.. sounds fun... for people who WE HATE!! *evil grin*
i think ur a star.
yeah i made it x
heyy! i love you diaryy! green is an awesome color!
haha. well i`m konwn as the more controlled one when it comes to me&&my friends. they are all "love crazy" and they think they have to be in love. and i`m just like. "dude. we`re 13.&we don`t know what love is"

goddd. they don`t live life. i livel life to the fullest and don`t worry about guys. or love.

well your pretty cool.
heeey thanks
i made the background myself =)

i like yours as well, and your diary
"dance, dance" good song XD

its been a whileee hows your summer going??
mines been alright
kinda drama, and the rest boring =)

soo well i liek your diary alot..i like your iconss..exspecially the star oen it is very kool..and umm green very interresting color..i like it..well yeah..and by the way what does your diary name mean.. i dotn understand it..
oo taht is so neat i never heard taht songg it is probably pretty damn sweet...
i hate u j/k i do not even know u!!!
yuppp totallyyy