So, the picture is a Chinook, it's the helicopter that I want to fly...Going to e-mail SSG Simon in a minute and see if I can change my MOS to a warrent officer... WOW! So, I'm going to leave and go to basic regardless... Which means I need to find some motivation somewhere... Mayeb if I can still change my MOS I will get my motivation. I dunno, but I gotta do something. If I do change my MOS to warrent officer, I have a year and a half of training after 9 weeks of basic, and then I'm enlisted for six years... WOW! Big step considering that I was considering not going at all... We will see. I'm jsut really confused. And Chris still hasn't called me!!! Grr... I'm so pissed at him right now. And he had beast be maing time for me before he leaves, cause he only has 26 days before he goes... I love him so much, and it's going to be hard enough leaving but at least we're both going. Who knows, maybe it'll help things...

You're a sexy girl! You are beautiful, and you
love attention from guys, and are very
flirtatous. You might come off as a slut and
bitch to some but I think you have another side
to you that is pleaing for attention, love, and
care. You might be confident on the outside but
don't be afraid to unleash a more sensitive
side. Be better than just the average sex
What kind of girl are you? (with pix!) brought to you by Quizilla
i know, i know, im being SUCH a baby!! but!!! i cant help it!!!
see, brandon came over, and...we were doing stuff in my room, and it got too far, and we sorta did it..and i say sort of b/c he never did the whole in n out motion, just the starting of it n we stopped...
and...yea...its been like 2 days..
and im still bleeding off n on..and...owwww... too shy to tell anyone abt it.
is it bad??
i need someone...
i would call you, but 1, ive lost ur number again...argh!!
and two i lost my calling card..
can u gimme the nbr again??
and just call me sometime after noon on monday, or anytime on tuesday...i finish school tomorrows..
i would really love to talk to someone...