I want someone provocative and talkative

Listening to: Curse of Curves
Feeling: indulgent
Yesterday was pretty sweet. Dad randomly decided to go to Yorktown but my stomach was bothering me most of the morning so i stayed home. It was nice to have the house to myself. So then he called and said they were spending the night there and that i could either stay home or go stay with julie, and i usually get freaked out staying alone overnight so i went with julie and we ended up goin over dustins. We hung out in the bus for a little bit then went to diana's friends house and went on this hay ride thing. It wasnt scary or anything, but it was still fun. We all threw hay on each other and got it in our hair. Once we were done with the ride we ate and roasted marshmallows and sat around and talked. Then heather and i were attacking each other with our butts and the redneck boys were watching us. They thought they were cool. Dustin kept trying to knock me and heather over, and we felt sick cuz we had one too many cups of hot chocolate. Dustin took down his dad and they chased each other. Good times. Then we went on the hayride thing again and everyone was cutting open their glow necklaces so everything was glowing blue and purple and green. Heather we way too attached to her dots. The sex blanket smelled a LOT better than the field lol. We found a job for "someones" mom chasing everyone with a chainsaw. Or just looking at someone... Then we went back and talked to everyone and then went home. Got in the bus an watched part of the omen, talked to seth online for a little bit. Then aaron and i decided to go to wawa for sandwiched, and everyone else came with us except for heather. Then we came back and finished the movie. Talked about julie killing me and dustin if we ever had sex. Ironically enough, after we all fell asleep he got up in the middle of the night and when he came back he turned the other way and ended up sleeping on my end of the bed. With his leg in my back. That was odd. Aaron took me home this morning, and i took a shower and wrote my english paper. I was gonna go cheshire's memorial tonight, but didnt. Krystin went with her family so i just didnt go. Now im sitting here. very very bored. someone wanna entertain me? Im online. xoxo, Stacey
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