
Feeling: accomplished
Grass overgrowing the name, the only visitor is the man who mows the lawn, ocassionally he reads the name, runs his fingers over the inscribed letters, the words "My God, Mercy Me" 1988 - 2060, Nobody knows him anymore, nobody can remember his tail, nobody to know his stories, the Love that he shared on such numerous occasions.. All lost. Never to be found again by any soul on this earth. Game Over. --- I haven't seen myself as a very religious person recently.. but I know that I believe in god and I haven't prayed for months now.. I prayed lastnight and decided it to be a good thing, praying doesn't commit me to a church, its just speaking to my creator, why would I want to not speak to my creator? Well, since I stayed up on here until 2 in the morning last night I woke up at 7:30, thats when my bus comes... ya, so I missed the bus, got out of the house by 8:07, the city bus comes at 8:10, missed it.. went up the street to the bus that I *though* came at 8:15, guess not.. but it came around at 8:35, better then never I guess, I was freezing my ass off though :s it was great though! I got to school as 2nd hour started, got marked as a sluff in 1st hours since I wasn't there.. oh well, I could care less :) The rest of the school day was Average I guess.. I got home and I've been sitting on my ass all night, talking to people, flirting with freshman that go to my school.. its been great. Why am I attracted to girls 2 years younger then me? Maybe its because they actually pay attention to me.. Weird.. Although I've seen a few Seniors who I wouldn't mind dating.. Lots of girls I wouldn't mind dating.. Pepsi gives me a stomachache and burp a lot.. I wish I would have known this *before* I drank 24oz of it..
Read 11 comments
Ha! Freshmans think they're all that. They want to known as the girl who fucked this guy and that. Little hos. Tours of junior highs are this week. They are so annoying. Well I think so anyway. I think you should find someone you can relate to, not just like a girl because they pay attention to you. What is that? That's my advice. Take it or leave it. Have a nice day.
hey nice diary thing.

yea that would b fuckin badass if they died. haha like if u fergot to feed them or something n they died of hunger. sweetness. but once again im dissapointed in the life of robots. hehe. but hes cute at least. lol. damn straight

Lol..your a funneh guy.

you know what's weird? You managed to post two entries and I didn't even realise it until just now.
Omigawd I think he's dead!
I like your diary header. It is quite stange that guys are attracted to younger girls, but hey it's still legal for you so who cares.

I like dashboard confessional lol Why not girls in your year?
i can totally relate with the prayer thing and the pepsi thing.
hey 17 year old boy from i don't know where you intrigue me and i like your diary...