holy siyete...I'm 17

Feeling: fabulous
1. John Cena 2. Richard Gutierrez 3. Che Guevara 4. Vindicated 5. Beef Burritto 6. You Can't See Me! 7. Encantadia 8. Sisante 9. You're Fired! 10. Doobie Hat 11. The Apprentice 12. Apple 13. Trump Tower 14. Artwork 15. Sandwich 16. Peanut Butter 17. Toilet
#1 is my god. #2 is my fave local celebrity. #3 is an Argentinian revolutionist. #4 is my fave Dashboard Confessional song. #5 is my lunch at Taco Bell. #6 is #1's common saying. #7 is where Mulawin colloborated, where #2 is on of the main casts. #8 is the surname of my somewhat weird classmate. #9 is the English words for #8. #10 is what Bob Marley usually wears, and what I would like to wear. #11 is a USA reality show hosted by Donald Trump, where he usually says #9. #12 resembles the i-Pod, something that I really want to have. #13 is where Trump usually goes #9 in the #11 show. #14 is my favorite clothing label, where my mom bought me a vintage shirt with #3's face on it. #15 is my favorite local band, and composed of bread, butter, etc. #16 is something I would like on my #15. #17 is where I usually shit and pee in.
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