Hehe. Wala lang. I just felt like posting it up there because it looks so pretty.
So now I'm on my way to school today. Yup, there are another 2 make-up wasted hours of dying in my torture chamber called NatSci.
Since Russiane, I think, won't come to class today, I'm counting on Aaron to show up or I'll look like a moron waiting for someone.
Oh yeah, the two are still pretty much ignoring each other. Part of me wanted to leave them be, the other wanted me to whack their heads altogether.
On the contrary, though, I would like to admit that they're really impressing as of lately. I couldn't go off one day ignoring one of my friends. I'd die easily. Those are made of stones.
Oh well. Nothing I can do. The only wish I have is for them to make peace before our last day of the semester, which is Friday. Russiane really seemed serious on shifting and not continuing her second semester. Talk about totally desperate.
And I still have to go to school tomorrow for PE class. We'll also have our trip to RFC to watch the ever-jologs Ibong Adarna. Ugh.
Damn...so many requirements to finish. First, those Psychology journals, then my English project, then my NatSci final project which is to extract the brain and the spinal cord out of the dead frog I dissected, which requires hard work, guts, and about 5 hours of wrenching back neck pain. Woo-hoo.
Worst...finals are next week. Ugh.
On the bright side, I'll still get to watch WWE Unforgiven tonight, where John Cena will be main-eventing his ass. Yay!