God damn, today was porbably one of my worst days ever. I didnt get any sleep last night so i am really tired, cranky and i am being a bitch. Then i camoe to school and i go to type my paper which is due next class and people fucked it all up so then i had to re-write it, to make that any better someone tryed to help me do something and it got deleated so i had to re-do it again. So when i was writting it, it ran into my other class, so then my teacher gives me another assignment to do which isnt done because i have been writting my paper. This sucks, i should porbably get all my shit back on track. I got to go do my work
I love you and everything will work out!! LOVE YOU.
hey, halloween, ouija ('weed'jee.. hehe. weed.:)board at your house!