you are such a loser. im just kidding.
OMG I am in love with your pictures of Ryan... Hmm, yummy! Hahaha. So how are things with you?
well I cant really help ya there.... lol jk I'm sure your little problem will all be solved
Heh. How long's it been??!

ill help ya out =P

No, not really hun. Haha.
How yew been doin?

i cant see kyle for a WHOLE MONTH!! im not gonna get laid either it sucks i need a throbbing member in my gaping vagina
sexy picture
wish i could jk
i guess i been good.
After the breakup it was pretty bad for me, but now im aiight. i like being single =)

i met this guy on SD (Rob), in like, Oct last year, n talked to him on MSN, n stuff. Picked up names for him. Like Brudda. Hehe! He hates that. Mm..Anyway, n then we went up country for Easter, n i got to meet him!

He's just sooooo much more than i can imagine. He's just...Awsome. N then he wrote a cute lil entry on me.


That's about my life. Not that exciting, eh?

Well, it used to be. Now im trying to get over myself with the whole abusing the shit outta myself thing..

You know how it goes!

Yeh..So hyow you been? What fun stuff ya been up to?

OOO OOO, Pick Me! Pick Me!


haha, lol thanks!! whats new with you???

[Anonymous] word......look @ me...