~20~ *glare*

Feeling: antisocial
DON'T READ, IF YOU DON'T CARE A rather boring day at home. I now have been placed on a multi-vitamin/multi-mineral pill along with the anti-depressant and now I'm tired as hell. It doesn't help that I'm sick either. It's like trying to hackup a lung everytime I cough now and I can't really talk. It hurts, but I guess my parents smoking since I was born didn't help either. I hate my life, and I often wonder why I'm here, stuck in this hell-hole, School, or home. Somedays I wish I could just transport my mind somewhere else and get away, but everytime I try and then return; I realize I'm still here, stuck with mine and my friends problems unable to get away, for even a second. It's like demons, taunting you, egging you on. Tempting you to pick that razor up and give it a little slash across the wrist or ankle. Luckily I haven't given in yet. Thou I feel they have caused to me cut myself a few times shaving. Or they cause me to toss in my sleep, unable to rest, or stay asleep for long. When I can sleep, they chase me, reaching out with long, slender, boney fingers; long claws trying to rip at my shirt. But they never seem to catch me. Somethings holding them back from catching me and I've often wondered what that is too? What's keeping me from picking up that razor and doing the unthinkable? What's keeping them from catching me and making me give in? Is it my ability to befriend animals and their free spirits are protecting me? I hope, cause I feel my only reason for still being here is to help the beings I care for most...Animals! *sighs* In my opinion my life is a total waste. *thinks* I sound alot like Armand right now. She knows what it's like to feel alone and depressed; and now I feel as if I could cut myself, just to have a jolt of pain to keep me awake. But then *thinks* who would take care of the dear animals that I have come to save and know? My Father? My Mother? My Brother? My mother would have almost nothing to do with them, my brother wouldn't care, and my father would try. But none of them know of how many animals I truely have. Cause you know, in my heart, what's left anyway, I'm taking care of all animals, even ones I've never met. And you may think I'm crazy, but truely...I don't give a damn. You can think what you want of me, but just know, that as long as I'm still on this hell-hole of an Earth, you abuse an animal, I'll kick your ass. ~~~~~~ With something to think about, I'll be leaving Open war is upon you, whether you would risk it or not. HASH(0x8aa552c)
Your a Dark Angel...and hey, you probably knew it.
Dark angel are in truth, very malicious, but a
sign of one also is very sad. Dark Angel all
used to be pure angels, but something went very
wrong with their life. Either it was the
sudden, murder of a loved one, betrayl, or pure
torture to them, dark angels have commited
their life to Satan himself. They are silent,
and their wings are dark black feathers, or
blood red. Dark Angels appear when there is
someone dying, or a murder. If you see one, it
means the death of a loved one is expected.
Dark Angels cannot actually harm a human, but
they love to see the suffering of one.

What Kind of ANGEL are you? (For Girls only) This Quiz has amazingly Beautiful Pictures!
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Read 4 comments
NO! You saying that even if you are on the computer is more reassuring and took affect on me than you know. It is the fact that the own people in person just make it worse and look at is as a joke. I love you for saying such things, yes the feeling that you have described is a horrible place to be. Being drugged up is no better either. At least the animals are your inspirations to stay alive..I have yet to find mine..
I would like you to read what I told Armand as a comment in her diary. I forget what entry it was too but it was pretty recent and I'm sure you can find it fairly easily.
Thinking of you, Brittany
You need to find your reason for staying alive, have faith, I know you will find it, if not for you, then for the lunchtable...but mostly for you...
Love to you always,
Ashley....*sighs* I realize that I have nothing to offer you, just that I'm here and I love you. Please, please know that I am here to listen at all times. Just remember that, okay?