
Feeling: antisocial
Whelp I officially am gonna bring a pair of scissors to school and cut my hair off in front of everyone, cause they love it so much. *vomits* Well not really but I so want to just to piss a few people off or to go to the Beauty Collage and chop it off. Random but who cares? I thought I was over my little crush on Jordan, but I guess I'm not. Today he was playin basketball in the upper balcany and some of the girls in track went up there to throw shot, cause it was so damn cold outside. Well I really didn't want to throw it but I decided I would, so I threw it and I was pretty good. Then when I decided to throw it again, he like walked right up to me stared at me, smiling, trying to mess me up. Nearly everytime he did that I felt like blushing but you couldn't tell cause my face was red from running so much. But he would just stare at me, like 2 feet from me everytime I would get ready to throw it. I then told him that I would throw it at him if he didn't stop and he was like, "No ya won't." And I acted like I was gonna throw it but didn't. Some people are thinking "Wait a minute. I thought you like that Dyran kid, or whatever his name was?" Well I do, but I had a crush on Jordan at the beginning of the year. But he doesn't like me, thou I think he might now, now that I'm dating Jeff. *wants to scream* What is it with me and 8th graders? Every guy I've liked in this past year has been an 8th grader. I mean come on, why do I keep falling for the 8th graders? Probably cause they're all 16 or 15, like me. "Wait, how can you be 15 and not in their grade?" My birthday is in the summer, I'm the third youngest in my class. I'm in 10th grade and most of them are 16 or 17, and possibly 18. I hate being so young and liking kids my age in a lower grade. "Why?" Cause I don't get to see them much, except at lunch. *sigh* Whelp, whatever. Autumn, the bitch friend of Kelly, was being an asshole today. Lily Jo brought a cake for Trisha, cause she never gets a cake on her birthday and Ashley Wall was like "why are you still celebrating your birthday?" And Trisha told her cause she wanted to then when lunch was over and Trisha was taking the last of the cake to offer it to the cooks, Autumn asked her the same thing. I told her that she wanted to still celebrate it and she was like "Was I talking you? I don't think so." And I said "Well, if we want to make her birthday all week we will." And she just hmpfed and walked off, like she was all big and bad. *shakes with rage* With something to think about, I'll be leaving you Aye, avaste! IAmAGiantMutantKitten
I am a giant mutant kitten. Not strange at all.

Which cute or possibly strange kitten are you?
brought to you by Quizilla Vamp
You are a vampire anime!

What Type of Anime are You? [Finished]
brought to you by Quizilla depressed

Which type of cutter are you?
brought to you by Quizilla plains
You are a white mage. You are helpful, honest and

What Kind Of Mage Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla depressed
What a Classic. The Great Depression.

What personality of mine are you most like?
brought to you by Quizilla Brusing. You hide yourself from others and try to
act natural in all situations even if you're
being eaten inside. Just remember - I just
fell down the stairs, that's all.

What kind of Self-destructive behavior are you?
brought to you by Quizilla emo
YOU ARE EMO! You are one big mess of misunderstood emotions.
Unfortunatelly you lost all of your friends
once you started wearing only black, Gap
sweaters and fake glasses. The good news is
that you now have a whole new ring of
anti-social, well-dressed friends. You sure got
a way with style, and the music you listen to
is enough to make even the hardest of people
break down in tears. Times used to be tough,
but these days life is pretty good for an emo
kid. With your short black hair and morbid
poetry you are the envy of every depressed,
suicide attempting, starbucks drinking mallgoer
in your town.

What is your anti-conformist personality?
brought to you by Quizilla You Are Uber Gawth
You are UBER GAWTH. Wow..... you could have told us
that one... your life consists of nothing but a
big black cloud of doom, and you look upon all
others as below you. You are the elitist of the

What Kind Of Goth Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla I am 45% Goth

Goth ny night, normal by day. Deep in my heart I know I am evil, but not on the company's time. I do need to eat.

Take the Goth Test at fuali.com You are burning
You are burning

What Self-Mutilation Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla Draqulyn
Read 2 comments
HI ASHLEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! waddup gurl? nm here but i hope u have a better day tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!! later daze, luv ya!
Don't worry about Kelly and Autumn. Feel sorry for them, because their purpose in life right now is solely to annoy people, and you're better than that. Kind of like mosquitoes... you can let them bite you, or you can shoo their infantile little....correction, HUGE asses away.

With that said...AWESOME MUTANT CAT!!!!!!!!!! :):):)

Brooding (Blue Haired) Silence