Study Hall

Listening to: Helm\'s Deep
Feeling: happy
I actually already wrote this yesterday, but it didn't save for some reason. Study Hall was so much fun yesterday. Justin Martin (if you know the kid clap for yourself, if not then sorry for you) was telling us all kinds of stupid stories. He was telling us how he had ate a pound of bananas in Wal*Mart, then when he went to pay for them the chasier dude looked at him like he was crazy, cause you know they have to weight them first. And he was telling us how one of his friends yanked on his wallet chains, and pulled his pants down in the womans underware section. He didn't realize it had happened until a lady walked by and pointed and stared. Then Mrs. Ramsey (our teacher) was getting ready for a date or something and she was putting her contacts in when her daughter (who was like 3 at the time) walked in and asked her what she was doing. She told her, then her daughter went to answer the door and it was her date and he asked if her mom was ready and she said "She's putting her condoms in." I just about died laughing. Now I get to hear more funny/stupid stories from Justin today. ~~With something to think about I leave you now: Bethany, Bless the sink. What? Bless the sink, damnit!!!! Gotta love Dogma. You really should see it if you haven't already. ...Did I mention that you should see Dogma if you haven't?
Read 7 comments
that film is really funny
im board,,i got your sn off hannahs website..
I like Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back hella more. I can resite the whole dialogue from that movie. Sad I know. *kissies*
Hey~Ur tigerthingy is awesum...How do u get it to do that?And the pic up above ur entries is cute too!
if you hate angsty people then stop being one and bitching about them.
end quote! wee yay! actually angsty is the oh god... my life is so horrible