I have a Scanner now!!!!

Feeling: lovely
I have my scanner up and i've already downloaded some pics to my Deviantart site. (http://draqulyn.deviantart.com) I have some good news, well, whether you would consider it good news or not, doesn't bother me... it's good news to me. I'm joining the Marines. This coming Wednesday after Upward Bound, I'm gonna head out to the training area to train, since I'm outta shape. Then hopefully by next month I'll be in better shape and then the Band Recruiter comes and I get to try out for him. Hopefully I'm good enough cause I really want to join the Marine band. I think I'll ask my band directer for some challenging music to practice on. Something like Carnival, which we are playing now that's a pain in the ass. Well, I'm gonna head out. I want to check the other diaries and then upload a few pics. Oh yeah, we go to Cinnci tomorrow. I have to be at school at like 5:30am. It's gonna be horrible. Later.
Notice: I'm on the 5th book. I'm really excited. Just 600 more pages and then I can start the new one. And once I'm finished with it, I'll reread Eragon and then start on Eldest which Sabra loaned me. And, Sabra, I hope you know you won't get that book back for like a couple months, unless you want it.
Read 2 comments
keep it for as long as you need it, i'm in no hurry to get it back. enjoy book 5... the worst in the series... haha...
I've seen a few really cool diaries. I think you're blew them all away. rock on.
