yes i do both,just not too often anymore
aww looks like someone else is in looove too?
haha yeahhh
i no it's bad 2 b 2 stressed out all da time. i'll drop as much as i can... i'm gonna chek out ur othr diary now... c ya!!
Happy Halloween! (Though I think I said it). Haha, well anyways.. life has been pretty good here. And you?
haha ill be finnnne
awesome! i LOVE the icon thingy on the top left...oc rox!
happy haloween to you too. even though it was yesterday, well hope you had a good one.
sry! yea, i am busy.. u changed ur bckgd again. i really haven't been on in a long time...
laguna beach...*sigh* stephen is SO hot....

That's cute.
realllllly? is your name esther?

party on!


im getting my license soon.
whats going on with you...
other than making out with adorable boys?
oh believe me...i am NOT gonna have sex before i'm married! that's just...i can't explain it...i love the layout! the background and the top left's AWESOME!

i like that pic on top of ur entry. btw is ur top left picture seth from oc?? aw man. oc`s comin back on thursday =)
aww, thats soo sweet!
thank you. how was ur halloween?

and awwwwww at ur entry.
that's the greatest feeling <3
i know it has been a long time sis. i've been neglecting sitDiary lately. im so sorry! :[ how you been anyway?
Happy Halloween to you too! oh not much same ol' same ol' how about you? yeah I love that song lol! well ttyl :)

x3 stace
haha nothing! I'm just sitting here fun fun! I havent egged someones house in so long! what are you up to?
nothing, just chilling
hah ayea its been so crazy here in boston and yesterday was the voctory parade and over 3million people where there it was GREATT!! omg deff take a trip here youd love it so much to do!!
The OC is the best damn show ever PERIOD! haha...i'm, like, obsessed...seth is so hot...i once punched a guy for asking me if i wanted to have sex with him...i was 7 and he was was rather funny looking back...

ooo, happy halloween to you too. not much is up with me, what's up with you?

yes theyre fun
yahh im so excited that they wonnn...its been INSANEEE here in boston but i love it!!!:)