
So i told some bitch i would put the pictures on here when we made another music vid. for story of the year and here are the pictures hehe he was being silly! the band IS he cool or WHAT? PIMP on the phone LOL
Read 43 comments
things that carry their homes on their backs or dwell in the water are grody.
yeah. :(
and that pic. of the starfish is so cool and pretty! :)
goodnight sweetheart. great night with you. I love you.

going to my brothers house. ill be back tonight <3. see you later. I love you. jake =p
see you later =] love you. jake
alksjdalskjd orgasms
and that star fish pic..jessusss id have a heart attack. i friggin hate things that live in the water. and that squiggly thing next to it..yea..i touch that and id be tramatized for life..its freaky looking.

how do you get in all these music videos???
Is that you violently killing that snail? Two years ago me and my friend saw a slug and drenched it with salt and her mom whos like this big animal lover went psycho on us and she got in trouble...pfftttt it was fun though.

I thought I was fat too. He is like me x's 12.
He's like 1,200 and growing.

One day he will burst. Ewies.
you're like lucky
no :'(i live MILES AWWAY from there im in cold yucky stupid new york. :/
lol im not a big soda fan. just like the picture =p. I need esther picture for it <3333
hey, long time no talk. heh. um... just wondering, but are you with any agency? if so, which one? well, i'll ttyl babe!
agency. like an acting agency. cause, aren't you in music videos and what not? i was just interested in the same thing, and wanted to know what agency ( if you had one) you were in because i wanted to see if i could get an agent out of the same bussiness.
hey.. long time no talk.. how r u?
is that you trying to kill the snake? lol
EW.. snails are disGUSTING!!!

i love your diary by the way... it rocks.. so does story of the year

hey, whats goin on? havent talked to you in a while. i finally saw helena...youre the one in the coffin, right?

which SOTY song are they making a video for?
eew! your bare foot?! *gags and falls over*

oh, well if you don't have an agent, then how do you get into all those videos? i'm just wondering because i wanted to do the same thing, heh.
i'll ttyl
haha sounds like a plan to me! :D
haha i dunno, Story of the Year are pretty sexy...but i'm also in love with Ryan Gosling!..haha!..

I LOVE the pictures! :D

especially the last one. DAMN I LOVE HIM! ♥
aww thanks hun!!! omg that header picture is HOTT!!
I like them lol. me and johnny boy listen to them at work =p. im coming to see you soon then you can take me to see bands since your so sexy and you get to see them =p. have a nice day <3
kool :-)
haha yeah. :D
I'd do him. :)
Nice photos...
Which one were you from My Chemical Romance's video again? I can never tell, hahah.
Aren't you just miss know everybody! lol ;p
lol. thankz.

I miss you.. miss you! ;)

haha. I don't even remember what your last comment was about? oh well. :P
That's awesome.
but bu tbut but but

story of the year is like the worst band ever...
haha. than you better SHOW me you want to be my friend ;)

yes. I know. I know. :)
hi love. I got back on last night but you were gone. I wanted to talk to you <3. I hope you sleep well and enjoy your company. I love you very much. talk to you soon =]

<3 BabyJake =p
theres not even a word for him.

and cool new background. :) who is it? :)
what?!!?!?!?!?!? story of the year now thats no far i love them!!! ya its been a long time i havent been on here in like a month!! whats ur myspace?!!!
awesome.. they're almost all hott! :D haha.
hi =]
well. I love esther. im a esther whore =]