sometimes they come back

what i really meant to say, is i'm dying here inside and i miss you more each day, theres not a night i haven't cried. and here's the truth i'm still in love with you that's what i really meant to say
Read 30 comments
had fun eh? im glad to see you happy =p. hope you had a great night. talk to you soon
lol have a goodnight. talk to you soon. ill call you or something. love you. =]
you have a lot of comments. yeah, you're cool. lol.

have a fab-u-lous summer

party on lovely
aww.. sweet :-)
lol we have that problem cause you wont tell me im right. you know I love you more =p. always have. =] talk to you soon
well.. I believe I love you more. but back to the problem. I am sorry your parents did that. they need to plan your party in florida. Jake will be the host =]. I really miss talking to you, im gonna call you tomorrow at work. I work 12-9. ill find sometime to talk to you. I wish I could help with your problem, just tell me anything I can do, and its done. have a goodnight rest. you deserve it =]
its alright, I hope you feel better. explain whats wrong. im here for you again. sorry for leaving you in the first place. tell jake whats wrong =p. talk to you soon. =]
im so happy they r back!!!! i cant till the new cd which comes out june 11!!!!
u draw really good!! :-O. i cant even draw a sick figure rite! lol. o well.
ill try to call you at work tonight. turn your phone on =p. you want to talk to me =]. talk to you tonight or soon if I dont get to call =p.
lol yes ma'am. I love to work out. I have to be buff and sexy if I have a chance with you, right? =p. im going to work now. =]
almost as cool as you gangster =p. im almost out of school then ill start my job full time. and ill be going to the gym. but we can talk some. ill call you soon. im going to school. see you around <3 Jake
ddont be sorry esther, be happy. im not worried about it =p. have a good day tomorrow. talk to your hottness soon <3. love you like a fat kid loves cake. A WHOLE DAMN LOT =p. later <3. Jake
hmm i think i have seen this drawing for yours before. well anyways its good
its cool. I understand, mom before jake =p. we would all do it, you'll talk to me soon im sure =p. ill call you sometime. *hugs* see you around =]. <3 jake
awesome diary. love the background.
You have crazy talent!
haha im sorry about my last comment it was empty...i kept writing and didnt notice this thing was not writing it..haha anyways thanks a lot !! how do u know spanishh ?..oh and ur drawing is a rad!! its pretty awsomee i hope u continue drawing!
hey.. how r u doin? ehh im hanging in there. ttul
aww thanks a lot..!! hah
ok thats cool talk to u when ur on and stuff peace out man....
i love ur art man its dope. well yeah let me know when u get one ill add u to my friends list on that one too.
haha thats awesome i live like next door to pasadena i live in highland park lol. do u have a my space?
yup i live in california Los angeles . what about u?
could i add u as a friend ?
hahaha well now i know u have a pic up.
your great
i don't know who you are
but still
love the art
yeah i think its buyable lol not sure. hey are u a guy or girl ? *confused*
my friend has this thing in her comp its a program called "pictute it" you could change colors and make shapes and stuff..
your very welcome