
Listening to: pmm-fall again
Feeling: bemused
my jeffyness hawt im in love with this layout, because this man rocks my world so how about my best friend and i laughed for 10 minutes straight about the word "fool" see i looked in the mirror and realized i still had food on my face from dinner, so she said i looked like a fool it was funny, i guess you had to be there
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where'd the pretty bg go?

not that i'm complaining...
loving the dude, dunno who he is, but loving him anyway.
you're a cheerio? I like cheerios, they're sugary and round, mmm
cheerios rock. Foll is a great word, fool is a better one, however. HIMSHIM is the daddy of all words
loaf, *snigger*. dunno what else to sya really :P