
yeah, we're scheduling for next year. im taking 4 elective because im so stupid i lost all my honors. good job julia. i took all the gay electives too. gay art ones. i hate art. what am i doing? pottery and jewelry, sculpture, songwriting, sewing and design what am i doing? i dont even like to sew. i should drop them all except songwriting. i need study halls. im so stupid how could i lose honors in everything. i really need death. not to meantion i have no friends
Read 13 comments
hey. you have friends. what time were you at the plaza that night? take care.
hahaha i laugh at the htought of you sewing. You would be throwing needles in the eyes of all those pricy bitches that are going to be in your class. Thats my girl!!
hey, ill trade you a chorus elective for sewing and design!

ahhaha i love the julia !!
I was there around 8. can't believe I missed ya. can you tell me anything about the drawing /painting elective? I might be taking it.
your electives have sexual preferences?

gay ? stupid.
oops. that ? in my comment was supposed to show up as the equal sign with a slash though it.

gay does not equal stupid.
In theatre, can you audition for plays and stuff? or is it all into stuff?
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what do you have to join to be in plays and stuff? I can't decide between theatre and the art thing. -maddie
oh..so I don't have to be in theatre to try out for the plays?
miming? no way. how many electives does honors bio take up?
DUDE! I FUCKING LOVE THE WAY YOUR DIARY LOOKS.... heh, sorry for yellin. do ya think you could help me with mine? uhm. if you want. hah alrighty byebye