
listening to// the shower scene-brand new mood//undefined so here i am, sitting at home on a unsday afternoon, feeling sorry for myself, and listening to emo. it's my favorie activity. im over him, seriously. i know i am. last night i was telling him how he should grab a rope and hang himself, and he blocked me for a minute (seriously, 60 seconds). and he comes back on and says "i cant stay mad at you...even tho everytime i talk to you i feel like shit". then i realized he needs me more than i need him, and i dont need him. hes like the king of hearts and im the joker and i dont wanna play this game anymore. im done with him. inlov3withyoo (sry, i dont know ur real name) here's the code: put a carrot before the code, and a carrots before and after the /style at the end! style type ="text/css"> table#entry_table { border:2px dashed #FFFFFF; } /style
Read 21 comments
Seriously, guys are ass wholes they think that just because they have a slob of muscle between their legs they are somethin special, they need to learn how to treat girls right or that muscle wont do them any good!!
Yeah. I'm in such an emo mood tonite.
I'm never in an emo mood.
I usually am in a hardcore mood.
Thanks for adding me.
I'll add you to mine, too.

+ amanda +

P.S. The Milkshake Song is the best.
ha thanks for the note, sorry it took me so long. jesus brand new rocks! i hope that guy thing works out. your a cool person.
Thats insane. The same tihngs going on with me.
This kid is seriously phyco though. He hates me. I said i was going to hurt myself, so he hates me. What a stupid fuck. I'm over him.. I swear I am. =/
nice comment pic i have that on a message board
Yeh, guys are a waste of time... but I guess it would be kinda nice to be in love.. but only if he truly cared for you the same way..... dsfhdsfjklh
by the way...im gonna add you!
it's ok! thanks soo much for the help tho!! where did u get the code from ne way?
xOx and thankss! -mEl
Hey! How are you? ya, i know that feeling. i'm sorry.
your strawberry,
yesm i did. then, when i paste it in there it either shows up or takes away my entries
cute diary!
how did u get a border around ur entries?
ok...i did it...but it's not doing ne thing...the code just shows up..ahh!
haha it's ok if u donno whats goin on, thanks for helping tho!
aw i'm sorry about the ex. they suck like woah dont they. but yeah, he SO does need you. totally playin games. whatev find a new guy you dont have to let him get the best of you. good for you for realizing that.
oooh ok thanks soo much!
I'm sorry for not understanding i had like the exact situation with a guy named nick, but he didnt just break my heart, he ripped it into two peices and then jumped on them... ever been cheated on but someone who was sapposed to be your best friend??
wait...what's a carrot? lol im sry im not gettin this! lol
The shower scene is pretty damn good too.. I know rumors suck, it isn't very nice to tell him to hang himself, but then again.. i don't know what has happened between you too in the past, thanks for commenting.... and know that it has to hurt to want someone more then they want you.. i think you should maybe give him a break, but then again, i don't know whats happened in the past.. good luck!
lol its ok, i think i might be doing it rong!! xOx-mEl
erm, well done?
Guys are useless, there's no point in realtionships, so yeah, well done :D