Listening to: Cheap Trick all the way
I strangled Brian today in English. As the entire class looked on. That is until a German soldier came over and stopped me as Brian laughed hysterically.
Vonnegut rocks my socks. But I think I prefer Ray Bradbury. Yes.
I am consumed by exhaustion.
But I don't want to go to bed.
I wish I were friends with more people. Sometimes. Not that there is anything wrong with the ones I have, I would just like to widen the spectrum.
I am hoping this weekend will consist of excitement. I need some. I don't think my records will be enough to sustain me this weekend.
The prospect of college, picking one, leaving home and my friends to go to one, scares me. Yet it's exciting as well. Too little time remains.
You run for cover under heat.
One thing leads to another.
Farewell, hello, farewell, hello.
So it goes.
Stupid college. Call me sometime this weekend, tonight [friday] i have a concert with mi padre but the rest of the week i don't have any plans and i don't care to spend it with anyone else but you. Aww, that sounds like a love note. Trust me, it is.