I think I remember when time was not here and I was just me with no one to make me feel like I should be anything but. If I close my thoughts and lock on real tight to the other memories that used to live but were suffocated by the light and by the now and then, I can almost touch that time that wasn't but was without itself but then my mind takes control once more and all is lost into oblivion left again to be uncovered.
The darkness danced tonight around me and I fell into its wilting arms, a welcome touch from those of the day, which usually are mine to love. Then, my large-mouthed friend crooned to the dark, filled the silence, sang to my soul and I was happy because I could be and his friends joined in to love me more. It was life just being and that made it good and pure and so I savoured the melting earth as it dripped in through my unopened eyes and slipped its way onto my tongue.
G'night once more my lovely lot for days will pass and things will change but still you'll be what you always were, even if you get lost somewhere along the way, behind the layers of pleasing others and becoming what you never are.
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