I love... PART II

Feeling: hungry
this list might get a bit long, so just as a warning. -Adrien, he is definitely one of the things i love most, he is my best friend and is there for me and knows what to do to make me happy. -Stephy-poo, my other best friend. we are so much alike it is scary. we can be fools together and just talk about anything. -chocolate, no need for an explanation. all girls would know why we love chocolate. -being half filipino, i love the culture, the food, the people. its nice having that. especially the food. oh man, my mom is awesome at cooking adobo, lumpias, and pancit. that stuff is hella good. -having a job, its kind of a love hate relationship. i love being there, but making money is fricking awesome. -banana waffles/pancakes, my lolo made them for me when i was younger and was passed on the secret recipe. whenever i eat them i feel like a little kid again. its my comfort food. -hugs, before, like when i was a sophomore, i hated hugs. even when i was with friends. the only hugs i would give were to family or to adrien. nowadays i love hugs. i don't cringe anymore. hahahaha -cellphones, if i didn't have a cellphone i really don't know what i would do with myself. i think i would go crazy. its the only way i can keep in touch with adrien. its the only way we can have our "telephone dates." its what we do since i can only see him a couple times a year. -my bed, its awesome. i love how comfy and warm it is. its one of my most favorite places to be. -being with adrien, and everything that goes along with it. just holding hands, having someone to cuddle and hold. its awesome. whenever i'm with him i'm happy. -airplanes- if it weren't for airplanes, i probably would not be able to see adrien as much. even though they take him away from me, they also bring him back. -krispy kreme donuts, so what if they are bad for you. if you want instant joy, bite down into one of those. mmmm... -reading, its one thing i have been doing my whole life. i like just sitting around and reading a good book. i would go through 3 or 4 books a week, easily when i was younger. i don't have much time now, but i'm trying. -the smell of freshly dryed clothes, you know from the dryer. i like the smell, to me its like warm and fuzzy. hahaha yea i know i'm weird -hoodies, i can never have enough. just wear it with a pair of jeans and your set. soooo warm and comfy... -flip flops, i'm a cali girl, what can i say. i always have to wear flip flops. even when its raining. thats the best. i have one pair and wear them till i can't anymore. i like to get my money's worth. -green tea, its soothing when your sick and have a stuffy nose. i only like hot green tea not cold. its yummy. -music, really who doesn't love it. i love just sitting and listening. i won't listen to country though. please, that is torture. -my sailor bear, i hug it and hold it when i go to sleep. it helps me get through those days when i'm missing adrien way too much. -my laptop, what would i do without this thing. having to share a computer would really suck. especially since everyone in my family always wants to be on it. -food, i'm one of those girls who just loves to eat. food is sooo awesome. i can just eat and eat and eat. i love food. last but not least... -my family, even though they can be annoying and get on my nerves all the time, they are always there for me. i might add more if i think of more...
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oh, thanks.
yeah, I had fun! I had no choice about the underwear. I had none clean, and no time to do laundry. (You'll see what I mean when you experience it next year) Smiles. Good luck with softball!