Today was a pretty good day.
i painted a werewolf..its great. haha. gotta love them werewolvesssssssss...since i am one. eep
mi amor wasnt at school today...sadly...i missed him.
hes adorable. mucho.
tonight i have piano lessons and i think im also gonna stop at hobby lobby and get some more water color and paint...im such a wierd kid.
haha, im probably gonna be one of those strugglin artists when im older. eeeeeeeep.

You bringin them there grades up missy?!
he's cute and so are you =]
and eye luff that helicopter thing. it's heaps cool!
*shakes fist*
I have two tests tomorrow..thats im going to fail the hell out of. I dont even know what they're on -.- I just dont give a fuck about school anymore
i am thinking
that i will spend my
life very much alone
1. i am annoying
2. i am "UGLY" & a "GIMP"
3. i am HATED