HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! WOO! finally 15...14 was such a pain in the ass already. i felt so young...it just sounds young. fffoooouuuurrrrrrrrrttttteeeeeeeeeeennnnnn... u hear the youngness tone to it? eh whatever. its done. now ima wait just as long to be 16 so i can drive...what the hell ima drive ne ways. im just gonna go. just gonna drive. breathe a lil bit. so like yea...last day of school was today. totally bombed that spanish final...sux cuz like i was supposed ace that shit. oh well... so yea. i dont know what the hell ive got myself into. in effort of tryin to make it easier for me to have let matt go, i made it worse. like now hes gone and like i dont even like this other. so great move cass. way to go. i think i need to think a lil more before i do things like this. but shit i waisted so much on this!! ugh...whatever its done. ive been thinkin a lot lately. like i just want this great guy already. and not just a guy like... i mean i want a boyfriend. a good one. for once i wanna meet someone who likes me as much as im into him if not more. just a nice, clean guy. who would like write a song for me. bust out with his acoustic and like just surprise me with it. ugh..teary eyed teary eyed. where im at now it feels like that doesnt exist. just another hopeless dream. hopefully someone will come along and prove me wrong. ne ways enough sensitivo ha. so yea the plan is to go to one of the guys casas and just hang for my bday tonight. the ol' swimmin kick back. the only thing AZ weather is good for. well crash bandicoot is waiting for me so im outta here. have a good one mijitos!! <<