said the lonely girl to her reflection

Feeling: awake
Image hosted by a picture of me edited by andrew
i worte this last week sometime i wasnt near a computer so i wrote it on paper i just found it before it hurts to read back on what i was feeling at the time ------------------ im going down down and deep to a place where no one can reach me to a place where i cant reach myself im going back back and far to a place i tried to forget a long time a go to a place where i said i would never return too heat is rising breathing has stopped i hold my breath untill my cheeks are wet and my face blue that the pain i feel is taken over by the physical hurt i wont give in to temptatopn no matter how hard it is im not the one you think i am thats just who i am and somthing that i can not change im just like everyone else i hurt i cry i feel pain i create pain i hate i get angry i laugh i smile i feel sorry im not unique becaue in reality everyone is the same just in different ways just like everyone else no one notices just like everyone else no one cares that i feel this way maybe you get those few who listen but they are rare to come by usually when you just say you are "fine" they are relieved to know that they dont have to go through the effort just to help here is the gun here is the bullet do what you want with it pull the trigger save it for a rainy day hurry up because i cant handle this anymore its slowly killing me if the bullet wont this life will love sarah
Read 4 comments
love you lots! with butterfly cakes!
love roro.
you, my darling sarah, are worth every bit of effort in the world!
love roro again (i read things in a different light when i've been endorphinised)
why thankya girly...nice site...groovy

love love

* me *
you scare me when you go emo like this. And when you just say 'fine' it says so much more than you want, believe me, we know

and better yet, we care