i also like the hot dog.
it's monday yo' the official start of the holidays and i am bored out of my mind, it's only 12:16pm dwag.
this is what boredom does to you:
i wish i was working, would give me something to do heh
i need to get credit for my phone so i can message people about ze party.
live in sydney, feel like going to a party?
contact me okay?
ZOMG you know what happened last night i craved one of my milkshakes
so around 7:30pm i went down to the shops to get a tub of 4L ice cream mmm
and it tasted soooo good
i also stole this on mt way home
man hopefully this party will have a good turn out
fingers crossed hey.
xoxo sarah
p.s the JB hi-fi dave is the best dave ever
love ro.