Window of Opportunity

Here are some pictures from behind the scenes of the film murdock and i and crew have been workin on... Mark is the one in the chair and Ed is the cammera man. the guy in blue is Ben (aka DarkDog) Theres Murdock directing in his bright orange hunting hat. hehe Here Ed is cammera man and we are filming some mexican... murdock...his hat is sooo orange and neon that it makes everything else dull... Murdock having fun...he says he wouldnt wear that hat in public...its tooo embarrassing Mark, producer, watching and overseeing...oh and theres DarkDog again...hahaha well thats all for now...ttyl
Read 4 comments
that sounds long is the movie gunna be?
I'm new here, and right now everything about sitDiary fascinates me. If, as I have discovered, this place is owned by Scott Weaver, does that make you the vice-president or sumpin? You seem to be an important part of the operation. Also, I just finished looking at that pictorial of you eating the hamburger from hell. It made me want to cry. Why did you put yourself through that, just to take all that abuse in the comments section?
Thanks for taking time to answer my comment so thoroughly. I'm glad to find out that the burger bit is a big positive, and that you are in no way heartbroken over the ugly things so many people said to you. Congratulations! Also, about the Friends list, am I correct that the only purpose of that list is to allow me to EXCLUDE people who AREN'T on the list from gaining access to my diary? In any event, you're on MY list now, DOOD. Thanx again!
I feel I owe you a personal apology for making you wait around on thursday. That's not at all what I intended to happen, and I'm sorry that you had to put up with it too. At least you were a good enough friend to stick around for a while.