my life

the story of my life... ...i should make my life into a movie. i think it could happen.... at this point its "to be continued"... lets hope it has a happy ending... cause bad endings never go over well... but i guess only i can choose the ending... i wish i knew how i wanted it to end... well i know how i want it to end... but thats pretty much impossible and no one would believe a movie that ended that way. so yea... im probly screwed...
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hey hun, cheer up! i dont liek it when ur sad! keep a smile on ur face.. things will work out with ur current sitch.. i promise! wehther or not it seems bad at the moment.. doesnt matter.. everything happens for a reason! im slowly figuring this out myself.. im always here for ya! :) -kim
I don't know what to do either
I don't know what to do either
woooow id watch that movie
ah, see... you seem to have it going on, my friend... what i mean is, i envy you because you know that you're at that "to be continued" kinda part in your life. i am constantly soooooo lost that i feel like i'm stuck in the beginning, perhaps i'm stuck in the middle... i don't know. i'm only 20, so, i'm going to be optimistic and say my story is stuck in the beginning...
even though my life is pretty damn eventful i feel like i'm just starting up, just beginning. i kinda like it that way though because if my mind is stuck in the beginning, then i won't focus on my ending & i won't know my ending. so it'll be a shock ending for me... right on. i'm all about the shock value.

thank you, sir, for giving me something to sit here and think about.

yeah, anyway; i absolutely wish you the best of all endings.