That is one of the coolest rubber duckies I've ever seen. Ever.
nothing wrong with pink...
ummm this is lovelystarr and my friend is endlessthoughtsofu, therefore we are not the same person...wayyyyy off
i under stand the fight club. but why pink?
thank you, i like my name too. ohh by the way cool ducky ya got there. ~destiny~
thank you, i like my name too. ohh by the way cool ducky ya got there. ~destiny~
ryn No spare me the humanity the burger stuff was enough
Pink huh?
The only things I've seen that is supposed to be pink is
1.A tutu
2.thongs on strippers
hey can you help me on how to have 2 pics one in the top left part and one in my journal but them be different pics hope ya can help. thanks. ~destiny~
"Rubber Ducky, joy of joys,When I squeeze you, you make noise!Rubber Ducky, you're my very best friend, it's true!" hahaa now the song will never leave my head!! :-p
aww I love duckses.. :)

"you've got to put down the ducky if you want to play the saxophoooone" :-p hehee
I have one too.
does he make bathtime fun?

does he make bathtime fun?

thanks 4 helpin me..i owe u!!
awwww so cute!!! i have a mini rubber ducky at my house 8)
rubber ducky yer the one u make bathtime lots of fun !!

haha i saw the duckii and started singing that just to let u know

[[ rye ]]
well im sorry mr.perfect next time ill spell check :) haaa just pickin and im still waiting for that hug!

rubber ducks=awesome
fight club=even better

but damn, thats a lot of pink


do you think i hate you?

cuz i dont.

i just thought ti was jacked up on you that one time. but im not mad. i wasnt mad after a few minutes.
