
well i was thinkin... im alone. im bored. i have few friends. ive never gone out with a girl. im 18. im a loser. i know a bunch of junk from gettin good grades in school. i am good with computers. yea thats it...i am nothing...i have no life...this is shitty...all so very shitty... any girls in southern california wana have some fun? make a new friend? hang out? ...anything?... so many of you judge that im "loved" because of all the comments i have...well, not really, i just commment in everyone elses diaries cause im so bored that i read being nice people they comment back...but as you can see everyone loves to say "youll get a girl, have hope" sigh...its way past any type of hope... i will keep updating this entry till i feel that it is either no longer true, or i have something better to say...
Read 67 comments
Glad to see you know your name. I'd say something supportive but I've basically given up on relationships, at least with guys from California I think it's just that California guys mostly all yeah.
well i want to be your friend, and you dont sound like a loser to me. you imed me last night, im sorry, i was away. we will talk later...cuz you seem likea nice person.
it is cool, isn't it?! it rocks my socks! whoever made it is super awesome!! :P

you should make me a fun topleft picture. you said to ask way back when. if you do, i'll love you forever. which...can be good and depends.
you rock
have a nice night and take care :)
hello thank you for the comment! the mid-state fair is kind of over by bakersfield. i'm not really sure. i'm staying at my grandparent's house right now in paso robles. so it's near there :)
wow and u called me popular on sitD haha. dun worry about girls or whatever, trust me we r are just complicated lil shits. and one will come to u and she will know what a great guy u are!!! maybe ur looking in the wrong places. try some new stuff out, gets you out of boredom and u meet new ppl! so as the 57th comment of saying the exact same thing ill let u go and not bore u more. feel better!
don't be so down on yourself. go out and catch a girl, and besides, you're ONLY 18, sometimes it takes awhile to find someone you like, and they like you back. not everything in life is as easy as we want it. cheer up. =-)
dang you do have a lot of comments.
i comment in a lot of random diarys too, just cuz im bored, and feel like commenting. but i never get that many comments.
thats exactly how it was the entire time at the baby shower too. i was about to beat someone.
you already have 53 comments, is there any point for me to join in??? ~ash~
everyone gets lonely, but hell that's life. you don't need a girl to have a life or a life to have a girl. things come in time, hopefully. maybe you'll find one maybe you won't, but at least you've made it to 18 and you're good with computers. feel accomplished.
Aww thanks for your comment! :)
dont worry you will find a girl :)
A loser? What does that have to do with girls? Trust me, not dating a girl doesn't equate you with a loser. Women are fickle creatures. I should know. I am one. Your "top_left.jpg" is retarded, justso you know. Anyway, back to the subject at hand. Women. She'll come. It's always when you give up on looking though. So stop and just enjoy what you have around you now.
youre probably a real charmer! girls are just heartless cold black beasts that claw, most times at your eyes!

you cant blame them though, they just missed out on the hallowed cootie shot..

dont worry, take care, and good luck!
its ok...i wouldn't have read it either, its quite depressing =/ and dont worry about and all that stuff makes you feel weird things...but...without it i wouldnt be where i am now ... well, i mean i wouldnt still be breathing now...*hugs* take care, hun
hey, thanks for the comment:] you'll find a girl...when you're not looking.
bitchin!!! hes adding it! yes! hey everyone, jared is boss! thats so outta sight...

from you way rad friend, alexa.

i liked my freaky firday movie idea..

youve dampened my spirits


.:big emo tears:.
and hey! it seriously took me 18 years to find a boy! stay strong. it'll happen. i'm sure everyone else has said this exact same thing, but seriously... it happened to me!
wow 80 comments, i am officially impressed. but i need a new entry to read! this one has been up forever.
...((when you have to spell everything out))..dont play dumb
YOU NEED TO UPDATE... haha I'm totaly impressed with these numbers :-P
hola! i like your little dissapary(sp?) thingie that changes color and is coolio. ooh you shoyuld play soccer! that would be neat0 :D i wanna go to cali but its like far away and id have to go on a plane and ive been on one too much lately so holla! heh fantasticamente! vivo!
wow i think i have been watching you picture for too long, its facinating
i dont want children. we can just keep going till i wear you out though... however long that would be.
yeah i was in cali with my mom i used ot live there but i moved to tucson with my dad 5 years ago. now i just visit cali...
Wow. So many comments. So many people.
Can you feel the love?
orgasmic? yes it should be added...

from your majorly bodacious friend, alexa.
holy crap you have seventy freakin' comments. good lord. i'm 71. yes, there's hope. that little name thing you have that explodes and then reassembles is hypnotic. i just stared at it for a couple minutes. so anyway, hi.
shit, that wasnt supposed to be anonymous
How do you have 67 freaking comments?!?! LoL Not that's just ridiculous.

I'm 20, never had a boyfriend. Don't want one until it's the right one. I really don't want to bother with anyone until it's my husband. I have much better things to focus on right now.
oh oh oh oh! it's awesome. i love it. what else can you make it do besides spin around?

haha yeah that quote about oc is from that new show on fox "the o.c" its of my friends is in it...i dunno if uve watched it, well it probably wont be on tv for much longer, cuz someone sued them already...but anyway...thanks for commenting and take it easy :)
Okay..your graphic is the best I've ever seen!

(That better?)
i wannnttt my naame animated like thaaat.


i use to do it all the time ... today i can't even go out without having something covering up my arm. it sux when its about 103 outside and u have to wear a sweater. but i stopped cutting awhile back. i'll still do it once and awhile, like when i get really pissed or depressed.
hey, i know how it is to think a lot. and make things feel kinda worse. i dont know you or anything... but you arent a loser. there is nothing wrong with you. you are nice... because- thank you for the comment. i do feel much better today. comment me again sometime or IM me: frkinyoureyes
sorry, not in cali. =/
i look hot.

so kiss my feet bitch. haha j.k

smoochy smoochy-
Like I said, you put yourself there and if you dont think you can climb out, that is your own problem. If you dug that hole byyourself, which you most certianly did, you can most certinly get out. You know if all else fails dig sideways you will evently get out.
once the hole is too deep to climb out of theres nothing tan be done!
This is going to make you feel anybetter maybe worse and you will probly delete it but, you are where you are becuase YOUR decisions, no one put you there. If you consider yourself a loser is by YOUR choice. and the only way you going to be something else in your own perception is if you make it that way. You can climb outa a hole just as well as you can dig it.
oh i live in ventura...
do you know where that is?
i live in southern california.
where might you be from?
true ... but i never found anything that helped me as much as cutting.
lol thanks for your comment :) ..haha, Im sure you'll find someone :)
the chances that you'll find one that is worth the trouble, are low. they're whiney snobby PMS-y bitches. it's worth a shot though. i still haven't been able to figure out the ladies. and you think it'd be easier. me being one and all. they're just confusing as shit.
cuz its the only thing that makes me feel alive. (how sad is that?)
oh yeah....i forgot to tell ya last time........i emailed ya so go check it sometime..k bye

NO.NO.No. U CANT BE A LOSER...DONT SAY THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)... and if anyone calls u a loser, then tell em to fuck off cus u rock.heh. well hey nmb sometime
dood, me three. almost me three. the only difference, i suck at skool and im a chick. but if i wasnt in fucking Texas id give you demonstrastion lol.
same with me. well besides the 18 years old part. and ive never been out with a guy. ah well. i wish ya luck.
hey hey! thanks for the note. and dont call yourself a loser...cus nobody is a loser. you rock so keep smilin. :) heh...well anyways...maybe we can chat sometime.....u seem cool. well laters

dude i'm exactly the same...

minus the being 18 and the good at computers.

i've never gone out with a girl either and then i found a cool loser girl but she lives like 4 states away...hmm... i hate how that fucking works.
I think your right it is for girls.
mistyeyed2157 (aim and yahoo) if you want to talk :)
ill hang out with youu. but im taken so it wouldnt be like thaatt. yea my email is so email me some time! <3
i know! cuteness! well newayz..don't worry you'll find a girl who's right for you!
hugs & kisses! xoxo
I'm a loser, and I have no life,half the people who use the internet are people with no life. Take care.
Friends and girls are overrated.

Computers don't break your heart.
Hmm...w00t = cute? Sure, I can deal with that.
uve never had a girlfriend? thats ok, youll meet someone someday. maybe even sooner then u think!

lots of love-
by the way, where do u live i southern cali? maybe we can kcik it sometime.

oh my god..i used to live in awesome, i live about 5 hours away, and the only time i ever go down south is around the holidays..

ahh sory?
keep rockin :)
msn? aim?

leave love.
i think that my life is too exciting, but i'm sure it makes for and interestign diary :) i'm sorry about your situation my firend lives in southern california :)
oh and feel free to im me my sn is the same as my diary name:)
lol now you can break the 40 comment makr
you just need one more lol :) there are like 4 from me

no im not black, thanks for the compliment

.:looks around:.

judging from 38 comments, seems to me you have plenty of friends...

...and do you surf?
