<118>A summary of the past four months..

Feeling: alright
Okay, what has happened in these past few million gazillion trillion blah blah days. This summer went by pretty fast. Right after shool got out ( which was another event on itself that I will get to), I went to Summer School, which was wierd. Supposedly, the Summer School class I took was " to prepare me for organizational skills" I really need those =] I made a lot of friends, and it was a good experience. I ended up having to make a speech about a topic and I got second place.. it was fun! Hhaha, I did my speech on illegal immigration. Enough said. So after that, I went to San Francisco California. Wow, how wierd was that place. Okay, back to the story. I went for my cousins' wedding. We stayed at this BEAUTIFUL hotel in Berkeley (spelling) California. Wow, talk about luxury! Holy cow, this place was beautiful. Enough with the blab. Anywhoo, I made friends there too, and I ended up playing violin with this professional pianist, and I was in my pajamas- it was kinda a "spur of the moment thing" It was so funny! My parents went out of the hotel and they left me there with my kindasortamaybe cousins or something.. but they are singers- and my mom and dad and my hugeeee family came back to see the waiters and people dancing around the piano with teenagers entertaining them :) It still makes me laugh. So then we went to San Francisco. I begged my mom and dad to take me to see the front of where they filmed the "supposed" Full House, House. Well, did you know that for privacy reasons, no one knows where that house is? NO ONE CAN STOP KATE J! ( last name kept for stalker/psycho/wierdo reasons) But anywhoo, we drove around and we couldn't find anything, and I took random pictures that I thought looked like the house- but they werent. So then I got a bright idea to ask a local ( wahaha) so I asked some guy walking his dog, and he told me but he told me not to tell anyone. But anywhoo, the second I recognized it, I ran out of the car. The bad part was that it was dark outtside, so the pictures came out pretty dark. You can still see it. The problem is was that I almost forgot what the distinct look of the house lookd like, because there are the same models of houses over there, so I forgot. Now I really rergret my experience there.... So then afterrrr... we went to0oo0o Missouri and we visited my grandma, and then my sister went off to college again and then my parents left me with my cousins for a week, so yeah that was fun. And then I went home for two days. And then I went to Nashville Tennessee for a violin camp at Vanderbilt University that I got selected for! It was SO0O0O MUCH FUN! I took Irish Fiddling and Bluegrass and Rock. I met Mark Wood, and he is making me an electric violin, atm. He is so awesome! He plays and makes electric violins, and I learned Eleanor Rigby by the Beatles and Sunshine of your love, and Toss the Feathers, and I got to play on one of his violins and I got picked for 3 solos on it! It was awesome, but OF COURSE, when something awesome happens, your parents have to screw it up by BREAKING the video camera. I guess I will never know how I did that day.... So then , I went to Maryland and small places like Gainesville where my sister is at college and stuff. But then school started which was an event on its own. Ahh.. Saint Thomas is a shocker. The first day was really wierd. All my teachers freaked me out and I went home all mad and stuff. STA is realllllllllllly hard forrrr meeeeee! I am up till really late doing homework and the classes are really challenging. I miss SBS a lot because it was soooooooo easy! Now I actually have to study for math tests and junk. I guess change is good.... but why is it so hardddddddddddd?
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Wow!! Sounds like you had a REALLY fun summer!! I am so jealous! lol :P