<67>*so excited*

lets see... today i went to school and had early release!! then after i watched the boys volleyball practice for like 10 minutes... and then i pretty much bought out that bakesale!! i was telling the 7th graders"YOU ALL BETTER MAKE MONEY FOR OUR DANCE!!!!" i think i scared them... but whatever.. then after i went to wings plus with miranda n blaise!! that was sooo much fun!! i am soo hyped for tonight... my mom actually bought me a nice camera to take... im sooo hyped!! WAHOOO!!!!
Read 4 comments
lol it takes alot to scare 'us 7th graders' so I dont think you need to worry about that
Thanks! Not alot's goin on, i've just been really busy with basketball and all of that. We're 13-1 now on varsity. Things are lookin good for sub-state. How've you been?
xoxo Steph
That's awesome! Do you get to travel alot? Hope you're homework gets better...it sucks, i know. Hope you had fun on your little trip though.
hey. how r u doin? im ok i guess. well hope u r doin good. ttyl