Listening to: muse - newborn
i'm crying over the death of someone i never knew. mostly because i know what its like to want to die so much that you carry out the action my brother's friend commited suicide the other day. he got his girlfriend pregnant and as theyre both religious the thought they couldnt have a child out of wedlock so they both chose (noone was forced) to have an abortion he couldnt live with the idea of having killed his own child so he killed himself i feel so sorry for him man im bummed :(
Read 4 comments
[That sucks about that guy who killed himself. Sorry to hear that. This is what religion does to people. Religion sucks]

I dont think I will fit san francisco in my bag love lol

I will miss you too. Im only gona for a week. Just a quick visit etc etc. Love you xxxx
Well I was gunna tell you how great the Green Day concert was (even though it was over 2 months ago lol)...but that'd just be immoral relating to your entry...I get how you feel. I get upset if someone that has no link to me whatsoever dies...
that's crap. my friend killed himself last august and it was the wierdest thing ever.
aww, dont be sad! but yea, my friend put that icon n she told me i cant take it off, lmao. i hope u have a good day!!
