Made me smile...

Hottsauce3576: hey JOE Momma 0772: hey Hottsauce3576: what u doin JOE Momma 0772: um actually JOE Momma 0772: i was just think about you hahaha Hottsauce3576: me to JOE Momma 0772: i was like hmm i should do a 3 way with bronson and talin JOE Momma 0772: you were thinking about yourself? Hottsauce3576: I love myself and u of course Hottsauce3576: and tailin JOE Momma 0772: you are so unbelievably stuck up JOE Momma 0772: do you like her? Hottsauce3576: no Hottsauce3576: a friend Hottsauce3576: who do u like JOE Momma 0772: i dont know JOE Momma 0772: boys are stinky and i want to throw rocks at them. Hottsauce3576: u suk Hottsauce3576: girls are hot ad sexxy Hottsauce3576: they make me horny JOE Momma 0772: hahaha JOE Momma 0772: why do i suck@? Hottsauce3576: lol JOE Momma 0772: **!? JOE Momma 0772: :-( Hottsauce3576: you hate guys Hottsauce3576: are u a lesbian JOE Momma 0772: nope Hottsauce3576: hope not JOE Momma 0772: i dont hate guy JOE Momma 0772: s Hottsauce3576: good Hottsauce3576: i like ur boobs JOE Momma 0772: k sorry they are over sized dont make fun of me hahahaha Hottsauce3576: thats a good thing Hottsauce3576: thats why i like them JOE Momma 0772: yeah but normally girls like it if you dont like them for their boobs Hottsauce3576: oh yeah Hottsauce3576: you shouldn't be one of those girls Hottsauce3576: but Hottsauce3576: i like u for more than ur boobs Hottsauce3576: I love you!!! JOE Momma 0772: ha JOE Momma 0772: niiiiiice JOE Momma 0772: i love how you totally lie about being invited to bat and bar mitzvahs JOE Momma 0772: talk to talin Hottsauce3576: ok JOE Momma 0772: k JOE Momma 0772: so whats new? Hottsauce3576: nothin Hottsauce3576: u Hottsauce3576: g2g call me later JOE Momma 0772: oh not much JOE Momma 0772: oh ook Hottsauce3576: bye JOE Momma 0772: yup JOE Momma 0772: CATCH IT :-* Hottsauce3576: got it Hottsauce3576: JOE Momma 0772: AHH I GOT IT Hottsauce3576: catch it Hottsauce3576: yessssssssssss Hottsauce3576: g2g Hottsauce3576 signed off at 6:21:17 PM.
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