AW, ITs a FriDay!

soo... Id like to go to the mall, but i dunno if that would work... Talin might sleep over, so thats fun! I really have to clean my room... Theres a frigging MASSIVE mess in here and its lookin pretty uuuggglllyyyy.... WISH ME LUCK, im goin in... LEAVE SOME! keep it real. -L a U r E n M a T t H e W s
Read 16 comments
Haha my rooms a mess too. And i got to clean it up, but yer i dont know when that will happen.
I love your diary its cool. yer if i dont clean my room when im told i get banned from the computa.. So if im not on ne time soon thats why.I can hardley get outa my bed wivout stinding on sumthing letalone actually walking to my bedroom door!
oOo LoVin the background!
h0llister has the best clothes EveR!

lmaoo & heyy u never kno somewhere outthere there could be JusT one vagina lookin face, oh i feel bad for that person.
lmao w0w thas too funny he really said that? thas just w0w.

lol oh and the colors for that one word i had to do each one indivudually lmao takes a lil bit of time, but it comes out reall cute doesnt it ?

later girl

Lol the clothes problem.. I only got 1 way for that to work wiv me, say its all dirty then chuck it in da wash then my parents fold it, bring it up to my room and i shove it in my draws.. Stuff hainging t up, takes to long.
Hey lauren!
l0l yea i can understand why. they have the cutest clothes. i gotta go there soon.

lmaoo w0w. my kinda guys lmao. i wish i could see that. titty fuck in action

yea, kinda sorta, lol but i got bored.
Haha what a rich one :P i might be getting my own computa in my room soon, i hope i do.. It'll be way beta than having this one downstairs..
I hope i get the computa 2 coz it will be a Pc not an iMac which mean i will be able to go on MSN wiv a webcam. They are so much fun. neways have fun cleaning your room. im going out soon to get me coz netball shoes.. Mite try push my mum into getting me sum clothes too :P
lmao w0w thas awesome. theres this one Jordan in my school. he*s exactly the same way. he is soo freakin HOTT wow. i switched out the class i had with him :( and now my SISTER has a class with him, totally sucks lol

uh huh. it really does when u have nothin to do.
my cuzin called me from puerto rico tellin me how much fun she*s havin.
w0w that got me sOo mad!
i wish i was there
instead i gotta be in ugly michigan!
we have the same name..

yea being nice always makes up for the not so great looks. its better to have a sweetheart than a cocky motherfucker lol

right. the beginnin of the week i acually thought spring was gonna finally start. w0w how i was wrong.
damn right. bahamas how niceee. yea i helped both my cuzins pack then they call me this morning from there [n i have a thing 4 puertican guys or ne hispanics] & they*re like "omG ur soo right the guys here r sooo hottt"--
plz tell me that was NOT a bitch thing to do lol.
im so jealous right now. they*re surrounded by all those hott ass guys.
and im here.
its just not fair :(
yea.. obsessive girls are crazy bitches..

its weird talking to someone who still likes nsync.. wow.. it seems like forever ago..

well have a good weekend.. peace..
yea they were like "forever ago" but hey.. led zeppelin was/is the greatest rock band of all time..

what the hell is nsync?

i would say led zeppelin is like 390784082304 million times better then nsync..
ohh.. thanks for all the interesting nsync info.. but i dont get what you mean?
hey! yea its been a while! this is how you put icons/pics in your diary... ok save the icon/pic to your computer, and then you register to (its free) then after you click sign in, itll take you to page and it has what image you upload. you click browse, and then clikc the icon/pic that you want. then it'll give you the html for it(tag), and copy and past it into your diary. if you need anymore help, just ask me! bye x3