My LAyers

LAYER ONE: -- Name: Erika Hilton -- Birth date: Jan-6-88 -- Birthplace: on the moon -- Current Location:on a chair -- Eye Color: blue -- Hair Color: sandy blonde with blonde hight lights -- Height: 5'1 oh yeah -- Righty or Lefty: Righty tighty lefty loosey -- Zodiac Sign: capricorn LAYER TWO: -- Your heritage: german and cherroke -- The shoes you wore today: converses pink and white and pink and plack vans -- Your weakness: too quiet -- Your fears: ???? -- Goal you'd like to achieve: to meet the man on the moon LAYER THREE: -- Your most overused phrase on AIM:i'm confused -- Your thoughts first waking up: i'm too tired to get up but i have to really go pee -- Your best physical feature: eyes? -- Your bedtime: when I' tired -- Your most missed memory:when scott still lived down here LAYER FOUR: -- Pepsi or Coke: pepsi -- McDonald's or Burger King: both -- Single or group dates: both -- Adidas or Nike: or -- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Chickens -- Chocolate or vanilla: CHOCOLATE ...... -- Cappuccino or coffee: ? LAYER FIVE: -- Smoke: nope -- Cuss: fuck yeah! -- Sing: YEP -- Take a shower everyday: yup -- Have a crush: nah -- Do you think you've been in love: yes once -- Want to go to college: yeah -- Like(d) high school: it's ok -- Want to get married: one day -- Believe in yourself:not really -- Get motion sickness: depends -- Think you're attractive: i dunno -- Think you're a health freak: No -- Get along with your parent(s): not really -- Like thunderstorms: sometimes -- Play an instrument: my umm no LAYER SIX: In the past month... -- Drank alcohol: no -- Smoked: no -- Done a drug: no -- Had Sex: no -- Made Out: no -- Gone on a date: uhh no -- Gone to the mall?: no -- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: no -- Eaten sushi: no -- Been on stage: no -- Been dumped: yep a month ago today -- Gone skating: no -- Made homemade cookies: no -- Gone skinny dipping: nope -- Dyed your hair: no -- Stolen anything: no. LAYER SEVEN: Ever... -- Played a game that required removal of clothing: kinda but not sure if i would call it a game -- If so, was it mixed company: NO! - Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: yeah a few times -- Been caught "doing something": humm lol well kinda -- Been called a tease: yes ! -- Gotten beaten up: no -- Shoplifted: yea but only once -- Changed who you were to fit in: no LAYER EIGHT: -- Age you hope to be married: 26 -- Numbers and Names of Children: -- Describe your Dream Wedding: blah? -- How do you want to die: while i'm sleeping -- What do you want to be when you grow up: i dunno ? -- What country would you most like to visit: Indiana .. LAYER NINE: In a guy/girl.. -- Best eye color? i like hazel or blue -- Best hair color?brown -- Short or long hair:kinda long and shaggy but not too long -- height: taller than me -- Best weight: I dunno -- Best articles of clothing: hats -- Best first date location: DENNY'S LMAO !!! -- Best first kiss location: lips LAYER TEN: -- # of drugs taken illegally: a few -- # of people I could trust with my life: 3 -- # of CDs that I own: dunno -- # of piercings: 3 -- # of tattoos:0 -- # of scars on my body: a lot -- # of things in my past that I regret: 2 maybe
Read 6 comments
i like your diary
life's alright, except for the fact i probably have to go to court. what about you? and yeah i confused myself too. that quiz thingy in this entry is has layers! like onions!
Hacksign rules!!! You got a awesome diary. I am also into sailor moon. I was ticked when they didn't finish it off.
"i'm too tired to get up but i have to really go pee" ...thats always my first thought in the morning!!

Today my life had been really pissed off, but i'm kinda ok now. Is it a good thing for you then if scott dumps his girlfriend? Have a not too shabby weekend!!
cooool. that reminds me of shrek. the second one was funny..and puss was so awesome. lol. well talk to you whenever again..? i dont know if that made any sense. oh well. bye bye