At Jessica's

Listening to: the moo
Feeling: accepted
Hello I'm at Jessica's with Jessica Gabby Jordan and Liz ..... last night and yesterday was fun we tried to find some lake up in Alberfeld ...but didn't and while going back in town we messed with these guys in a different car was funny we scared them ......then we went to Jeff's house and hung out with Jeff and Scott then Jeff wanted to play pool so we went but Scott couldn't go :( .....then we dropped off Jeff after playing pool and gave him and Scott a hug good bye and Brandon and B.J. was there..... and we went home and goofed around then went to denny's then went back home and goofedaround some more .... and i asked out Scott but i won't be finding out until tomorrow i think but i don't know well i'm going to go BYES !!!!! LOVE BOB
Read 4 comments
Mmmm, possums. Now them's good eatin'. :P
yupperz i like blink 182 too either way. how did u get that text tail? and how did u get the pic over your name for the comments? tres cool.
i accidently left a anonymous note just lettin ya know its me:)
i accidently left a anonymous note just lettin ya know its me:)